God's Good News Of The Gospel - His Covenant - Richard Maisenbacher

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God sent His good news because of His faithfulness toward mankind. He sent Jesus as our covenant representative to become our sin and our blood sacrifice so we are now acceptable to Him. That was His love and faithfulness in action. He opened the door to intimacy and fellowship with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Understanding what God did for humanity also builds trust.

Now instead of working and striving to become like Him, He imparts Himself and His character into us, as we allow Him access to our lives. We now respond in love to His Word as He gives us grace to walk in His ways. He reshapes what matters to us by altering the intentions and motivations of our heart so they reflect Him.

The good news of the gospel is His invitation for us to enter into covenant with Him. We accept this covenant relationship knowing He is faithful. "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself " (2 Timothy 2:13). As we understand His covenant commitment to His Word, then we begin to walk in faith rather than anxiety, knowing He will fulfill His promises or blessings.

What a covenant! We enter in by faith, knowing we cannot do anything to make us righteous except to accept the fact that Jesus' death, burial and resurrection made us justified. Now, because of His love toward us and our love and thanksgiving to Him, we offer ourselves by devoting our life and love to pleasing Him. He then writes His word on our hearts, which begins to transform our thinking, emotions, character and behavior. That is His good news for us. We do not have to do everything. All we have to do is enter in and surrender to HIs love!

His covenant is incredibly good news!

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The Earth Is Shaking For The Sons Of God - Becky Maisenbacher

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The following word was recently released at The Covenant Center. I hope it will encourage you to keep your eyes on Him and remember His love and faithfulness.

I hear the voices of My people crying out: "Oh God! What are You doing? Oh God, what is happening? Oh my God, where are You? Oh God, I don't understand?"

What are you looking at My children? What are you looking at and where are your eyes focusing? Are you focusing on the injustice? Are you focusing on the terror? Are you focusing on the devastation? The earth is shaking! The earth is shaking! It is shaking for the sons of God to arise. I am calling My sons and daughters forth. What have you studied for? What have you trained for? What have you planned for? What have you prayed for? What have you seen in your mind's eye? I am calling you forth. Do you not see it? Do you no sense it? Do you not understand it? For the earth is shaking for My glory to be released into this place that I have created, and I desire you to align with My plans and My purposes.

So, where is your hope? Where is your focus? For is it not written that I am the God of Hope? Am I not the God of Hope that loves His children and desires to give good gifts to them? Even in the chaos, even in the shaking, even in the alignments and realignments, know that I am there. Know that I feel your pain and know that I feel your suffering. But understand, is it not written that there is a greater purpose for what is coming - for what is taking place? And will I not pull you into My breast and comfort you and keep you and bring revelation to you? For I love you! I love you! I love you!

So as the earth shakes, I ask you one thing - keep your eyes on Me. When your spirit becomes troubled, when you become discouraged or dismayed, keep your eyes on Me. Keep your eyes on Me. Remember to always keep your eyes on Me.

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Let's Celebrate - Richard Maisenbacher

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Now that we have passed through an intense time of introspection and repentance with the Lord during Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe, we move toward a time of celebration during the Feast of Tabernacles. We are thankful for all that God has done for us this past year and for His provision, grace, mercy, and revelation for the New Year!

I believe we have an opportunity to continue to increase our intimate relationship with the Lord and become more conscious of His heart and mind. As our awareness of His ways increase, it will change our perceptions of what He wants us to do by following Him.

There are so many distractions that occur in our lives, on the Internet, television, and the news that affect us emotionally and even spiritually. I believe the same tactic of the enemy is similar today as it was in the Garden. Use any technique possible to discredit God so we won't believe His love and not follow Him.

Since there is a relationship bond in the Semitic lands when one eats together, the enemy will always get us to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because it eventually brings death. The opposite is to eat (an intimate relationship of love and obedience) from the Tree of Life (Jesus) that will bring truth and life.

The distractions in the world are incredible. The enemy wants us to determine what is good for us and what is evil. Therefore, we look at our desires as being equal to God's. The subtlety of believing our thoughts and desires are the same as His needs to be examined. It is a big decision, because it goes back to: "Do I follow my will and my desire, versus His will and desire for me?"

Decisions will be made this year. Hopefully, His written logos Word and His rhema words we receive in prayer will take priority, rather than the distractions that tempt us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Let's celebrate as we enter this Hebraic New Year with joy and thanksgiving, that the Lord has given us the choice to live and love abundantly and intimately with Him!

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It's Not Where You Start - It's Where You Finish - Becky Maisenbacher

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Recently after the destructive path of Hurricane Irma came through Florida and took out our power, exhausted from the stress of the storm and sticky humidity, oddly I found myself humming an upbeat show tune from the 70's entitled: "It's Not Where You Start It's Where You Finish." It must have been an angel whispering in my ear, because I've not thought of this song in years and our circumstances were less than ideal. Humming merrily I stopped and reflected for a moment on what I was actually singing. This was a song about perseverance and not giving up. God was speaking to me.

How often are we bombarded with events in various seasons of life that come in waves where all you can do is hold on and try to keep your head above water. You overcome one obstacle only to be hit with another one. Exhaustion and discouragement begin to set in. Here in Florida hurricane season is sometimes like that. One storm passes and another one forms. If you are breathing, you have probably also experienced seemingly out of control seasons. Our forefathers all walked through challenging times too. I can not think of one person in the Bible who didn't at some moment experience pain, suffering or loss. Even Jesus experienced moments of humiliation, extreme pain and rejection. It's just a fact of life that problems will surface living in this fallen world. And even though we all like to feel secure and in control of our future we only truly know today. Even our multitudinous questions regarding human suffering and evil are still debated and basically go unanswered. Where is God when I hurt? How could God make such an evil world? Why should I believe or follow God? Why do good people sometimes suffer while sin seems to go unpunished? Does God really watch over and protect His children?

I've pondered these questions since my head on car wreck by a drunken driver in 1975. It was on that rainy evening awakening in the hospital that I realized I was not immortal. I always come back to the same conclusion as Job. In my youth I looked at him as a very sad character. I hoped I would never experience any suffering. I mean really - it was only what Job experienced back in his day, right? It didn't have anything to do with me? God just allowed Job's testing to teach him some things. It just didn't seem relevant. Fast-forward now sixty years later and I now know that everything in scripture is relevant for today. It brings truth and revelation as well as comfort for the seasons you will eventually experience.

In my youth I had difficulty with Biblical stories, but through my journey I can look back and see my life has paralleled theirs. I've personally walked through times of questioning God and ignoring His mandates while murmuring and complaining just like the Israelites. I've experienced the pain and loneliness of waiting for His promises like Sarah. I've doubted like Thomas, and I've become undone in my sin, self righteousness and criticalness of others like Paul. But I've also looked into His face and sensed the depth of His unconditional love, and wept and repented as I poured myself out at His feet like Mary Magdalene. At times I've danced wildly and joyfully before Him filled with overwhelming joy and thanksgiving in His salvation, mercy, faithfulness, loving kindness, goodness and forgiveness like David. And like Job, I've experienced pain and loss that left me with more questions than answers.

I am now beginning to see more beauty in God visiting Job rather than what once seemed to be harsh punishment. Psalm 11:5 speaks of God testing the righteous, and if you are devoted to Him you will be tested. As a child I never wanted to believe that He tested His children. It was scary to me and seemed unloving and cruel. But I have come to understand that God's testing is not for Him, but for us. He already knows what is in our hearts. Just like in school the results of our tests reveal what we have learned. Tests are kind of like the dashboard of our car that lets us know what is under the hood. Through our testing and hardships, we find out how much we have grown in knowing Him and matured in Him. Over the years I have more insight with the wonderings of Job, and can now more clearly identify with his own questioning and final conclusions. Job eloquently shares with us his revelations from his own sufferings in his confession found in chapter 42. "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore, I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and do what You instruct me. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You. Therefore I retract and repent in dust and ashes."

God, through His stunning and sometimes painful work of transformation and sanctification, sometimes allows circumstances much like Job, to change us into more of His likeness and image. It is a work we cannot do ourselves. We may surrender to it, but it is a divine work by His hand through Holy Spirit. It is the narrow path, sprinkled with unknown situations that you may choose not to walk. And yet it is the road that will take you to a more intimate relationship and deeper understanding of Him and His ways.

Everyone comes to God as a child. Everyone is to be trained and taught to grow into maturity. Surrendering to Him and His plan for you is a great key to finishing well in life. The dark places of failure are where we exponentially grow and mature. As you run the race with God, remember that in Him it will end well. Like Job, it truly doesn't matter where you start, but it's where you finish that brings wisdom, understanding and maturity. Whatever you experience in His plan, He will redeem it. Whatever task He assigns, He will help you prosper and complete it. Whatever pain or loss you walk through, He will bring healing, wisdom and truth. He will teach you to trust Him. Through out your life He will walk with you. He will help guide and direct you, so you by His great grace and excellence will finish well.

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The Fall Feast - God's Appointed Time - Richard Maisenbacher

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We find described in Leviticus 23 God's feasts or His appointed times of celebration and consecration. The fall feast is a season when God wanted His people to learn to rest in Him. The Feast of Passover teaches about God's peace; the Feast of Pentecost instructs us on God's power; and the Feast of Tabernacles gives understanding about God's rest.

The dates for this Fall, 2017 are:

Rosh Hashanna (Feast of Trumpets) Beginning of the New Year - September 21st - 22nd
Days of Awe - include the 10 days from Rosh Hashanna to Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) A day of fasting - Sept. 30th
Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles/Booths - October 7th - 12th

Even though the days previous to the feast were a time of repentance and reflection, the Feast of Tabernacles celebrated the final ingathering of the harvest which God had blessed the people with for the year. The fruit of the land had been reaped, so the people could rest from their harvesting labors. It was a time of great rejoicing! They would celebrate and thank God in advance for the next harvest.

This feast emphasized a rest with the Lord, however it did not necessarily mean to literally lay down and do nothing. Rest meant to continue to be intimate with Him, staying involved in the normal work of the Kingdom, while continuing with their occupation, family, study, prayer and ministry.

I believe God is doing many things behind the scenes during this time of restoration and reconciliation. My wife Becky recently prophesied that "Things are fixin' to change!"  And several months ago I received a vision with a pumpkin and a huge stick of dynamite stuck inside. I believe during this Fall season, God is going to move in a great way, affecting not only the seven mountains, but His people individually as well. I do not know how it will play out, but I know there is a correction coming to level out the playing field and to begin to restore what has been stolen from His people.

Let's celebrate His Fall Feast looking forward to this New Year!

In His beautiful love,

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The Pen Of A Ready Writer - Becky Maisenbacher

For a few months now I have had impressions that God desires for His creativity to flow through His people afresh. We know He is always releasing a divine flow of His Spirit, but now there seems to be a release of His extraordinary grace to those feeling called to write and create, also for those who have not quite completed their projects or assignments. I believe God is now activating in an accelerated way as He sends out a clarion call to take up the pen and write. We have stepped into a season to clearly hear from heaven and accomplish the assignment and call by His great grace being released and available to help you complete the task placed within your heart. 

I was awakened last weekend from a deliciously sound sleep, when I heard Holy Spirit whisper, "The pen of the ready writer. It's time for My people to pick up the pen." I thought that was all He wanted to say so I laid my head on my pillow, closed my eyes and expected to return to sleep, when He continued to speak. I haven't had a visit from Him for a while where I knew He had something very special to talk about. So I picked up my pad and pen and from 1:30 to 5:30 I sat with Him as He shared. With the time He spent with me I believe this is a pivotal moment for many. 

First, even though I have been the recipient of the term "ready writer" spoken over me, honestly, I have never really investigated it. But this night was different. As I opened my Bible, I was taken to Psalm 45:1. There was written the words, "My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready (skillful) scribe." This verse denotes the workings of David's heart, which was passionate and fervent, kindled by God's grace and inspired by Holy Spirit.

Upon further reflection I heard the quiet voice of Holy Spirit encouraging His people to write, create, compose, develop, and remember that skills develop by doing the work. He showed me books, novels, teaching manuals and materials, song lyrics, music scores, paintings, buildings, furniture, videos, movies, even games and comic books and more. The vision of all that is created by His grace and inspiration continued to flow. It was overwhelming, the many things He is waiting to release through the one who will sit with Him and be guided by His hand. I sensed the excitement and heart of a Father encouraging and guiding His children to explore, take risks and step out to release the dream He has seeded in their heart. Then He asked the following questions: What has the Lord placed on your heart? What have you experienced? What are you going through? What truth has He shown you to share? God is releasing His plans and creativity, and His impartation and activation is flowing afresh in this season. What vision has he given to you to draw, paint, develop or compose? What piece of furniture or design will you create or produce? What scientific understanding will you study and explore which will bring knowledge and understanding? What have you been called to build? What song, poetry or prose do you hear in your head and heart to release? What picture do you see in your mind's eye to express? Will you give expression to His impression so He may flow through you?

The excitement and expectancy of all He was sharing soon turned to a sense of concern and sadness. As I waited before Him I began to sense His heart, longing like a parent waiting for their child to recognize the gifts within them. The proud parent who sees the gift their child carries, and yet the child for either lack of understanding or fear of reprisal or rejection allows the treasure to remain dormant and untapped. And then I heard Him say: "My people are hindered by comparisons. Comparisons are good for science and research, but not for My people. How can you compare the voice I have given you to another's voice? Each of My children have been given their own voice and without their voice and without their voice released, someone must wait for an answer. Someone must wait for encouragement or hope, direction, counsel, guidance, support, truth, or simply the love and peace of words that soothe their soul."

These words reminded me of His call over 40 years ago for Richard and I to enter ministry, serving wherever needed in churches and later initiating a Bible study with training on hearing His voice. Even though we knew He had asked us to begin these small groups we were still surprised as we watched Him assign and bring people together forming a beautiful kingdom family now called The Covenant Center. I was taken back to the challenges we faced, sprinkled with accusations, some criticism and even scoffing. Who do they think they are? What do they know? What is their pedigree? Have they lost their minds? Why would they sacrifice their jobs and degrees - give up their incomes and security to do this? Sometimes we both looked at each other and asked the same question: "What are we doing?" The path was strewn with hardship, long hours, much sacrifice coupled with sadness and pain. We had friends who could no longer walk with us. There were even family members who could no longer support our path. Encouraged by God to keep our eyes on Him alone, we simply got up each day attending to what was required within our ability and watched God breathe on what He desired, which developed into a community I could never have imagined, with experiences and precious friendships as sweet fruit.

At our recent Covenant-U graduation, Don Franklin made a statement that deeply confirmed my impressions. He said: "You know the Apostle Paul didn't know he was writing the epistles or writing books of the Bible. He simply obeyed the Lord and expressed what God directed." How true that still is today! None of the people knew they were composing something of great value. They lived their lives and gave expression to their experiences and impressions. I was reminded of the great music that was composed centuries ago, yet upon debut, they were sometimes met with criticism and stamped as a failure. And yet today, many of those enriching symphonies are played continually throughout the world touching hearts and the souls of men. The gift they expressed didn't meet expectations or approval of the times, and yet they still live on. This can be said for paintings, films, inventions, designs, plays and theatre productions, and so much more. Aren't we grateful these people didn't give up and held onto their pen even though often faced with hardship and sometimes despair?

Our Father is asking you to acknowledge the impression you are unable to dismiss; the call to give expression to the seed He has planted within you. What is Holy Spirit revealing in your life? It may come through your personal experiences, emotions, scripture, revelations, sensing or discovering the magnificent world that surrounds you. You may gain insight, revelation or specific knowledge and understanding He presents to you. As you acknowledge the call in your heart, begin to prioritize time with Him and allow Him to guide you into understanding, which will lead to expressing the gift in your heart. Make a decision to give time to develop what is in your hand. Understand you will be met with opposition and ask for strength to persevere. There will will be days you may feel like giving up or that you are standing alone. Remember each morning comes with a fresh beginning and new mercies. Choose to be bold. Take a step forward, share and attend to the vision in your heart. It will surely, in it's season blossom forth, bringing encouragement and life to the one for which it was designed.

"Father, help us to recognize the gifts and callings You have placed within us. Give us understanding to your divine impressions. Help us know when and how to release what You have deposited within. May we always release the divine through Your eyes and heart of love, so that it may land safely in the hearts of others."




Looking Forward to This Year! - Richard Maisenbacher

Hello Covenant Center family and friends! Becky and I and our TCC staff have had a restful month of July. We hope you have also found time to hit the beach, travel, relax and spend some quality time with Him, as well as each other. I am excited to share with you our schedule of activities as we step into a new year with Fall classes, Community Break Out Nights, School of the Prophets, Sunday Celebrations, Worship, Prayer, and continuation of our Covenant U School of Ministry classes. 

We will begin each week as usual with our worship and celebration meetings on Sunday mornings. Starting this Wednesday, August 2nd, our Community Break Out Night will commence again with fun, fellowship, small group discussions, classes and prayer, including Pre-K, Youth, and Teens to Adults. It's always great to get a cup of coffee, meet with the family, have Q and A in a relaxed environment as we learn more about God, the Scriptures and the practical application of the Gifts of the Spirit. Some of the break out classes for adults will be Hearing God with Wanda Hollingsworth, A Study of Genesis with Bob and Pat Stark, fellowship with Sarah Galarza and more to come. 

Our School of the Prophets is expanding with Cathy Lechner, Don Franklin, Glenn Miller, and Randi Lechner beginning August 3rd with Cathy Lechner's meeting. Don's meeting will take place on the 2nd Friday of each month; Glenn will be the 3rd Friday of each month; and Randi will meet the 4th Friday of each month. Cathy Lechner's meeting will begin this Thursday, August 3rd and continue each first Thursday of the month for this year. Each Prophet brings their own curriculum and teaching on how to hear from God and move in the gifts with godly character. 

I'd like to mention that our Covenant U graduates will receive their licensing or ordination Saturday, August 12th, at 7pm. These graduates have faithfully attended the school classes on Monday nights to gain knowledge and training regarding Spiritual Roots, Hebraic Thought, Knowing God, and developing skills for Spiritual Leadership. Our Covenant U School of Ministry classes will get underway Monday, September 11th at 7pm. If you have questions please contact our office at 863-802-5171.

This is going to be a great year! I believe Holy Spirit is going to continue to bring revelation, truth and a fresh level of divine love that will change hearts, bringing a desire to know Him more.

Things Are Fixin' To Change! - Becky Maisenbacher

This past Pentecost Sunday, June 4th, during our Covenant Center worship, we experienced a beautiful manifestation of Holy Spirit as He spoke in His love and power. Our entire Sunday celebration was filled with His expression as He came and rearranged the flow of our meeting. It was a stunning experience and display of the Book of Acts and Pentecost as God touched each person intimately, with spiritual songs, dance, the release of prophesy, tongues, interpretation and revelation. Being in God's presence brought refreshing, hope, renewed vision and strength to all. The following word was shared during worship. May this word bring life and encourage you with renewed hope. 

We come to celebrate Him and He always meets us in such startling and extraordinary ways. But I heard the Spirit of the Lord declare as I stepped into this room today: "Things are fixin' to change!" I said, "What Lord?" And He again said: "Things are fixin' to change!" And then He said the sweetest thing. He said, I'm so proud of this family that I have birthed and brought together. I'm so delighted! Look around. They have stood with Me in darkness; they have stood with Me in loss and pain. They have stood with Me and trusted Me through it all. What good Father would not give good gifts to His children? And how sweet it is to watch a child, a babe, when he takes his first steps and begins to walk. What a thrill it is - the first step, even when he falls. The joy of watching him; stand on their feet and begin to walk and run. What joy that is to Me.

And I say to you: How can one understand the mountain if there is no valley? How can one understand the glory of light until they have stood in darkness? How can one understand My miracle working power when they have not experienced pain or loss? How can they understand My gift of prosperity and life if they have not walked through the valley of the shadow of death? These things are not meant to harm you. These things are meant to teach you and train  you. These things are meant for you to become the light of the world. For in the coming days, as the earth grows darker, you will be My temples and houses of light and prosperity and healing and joy. Fear not! Fear not! I come to protect you, for you walk in My covenant of peace. I bring to you health and life, prosperity and healing, and you have joy when you recognize My hand is upon you. Oh, but I hear you say: God, it's taken so long! Why has it taken so long? Do you think there was not celebration at the pool that day, the years, the 38 years the paralytic sat by that pool waiting for My touch? Time is of no essence to Me. I know it feels that way to you, but has it not been written that those that wait upon Me shall be renewed, shall be healed, shall be restored, shall be given life abundantly? So understand, even though there was a ten-year lawsuit, even though it has taken twenty years to put in place the proper applications and positioning in this house - things are fixin' to change! And I ask you one thing as the blessings come; yes, as the blessings come - please My beloved, always remember where I've brought you from and what I have done for you. Remember... Remember...And let your testimonies fill the airwaves of the earth with My glory and My faithfulness.

Now receive! Receive! Receive Me! Receive Me! Receive of Me! I love you. I love you My children. As a Father I've watched you stumble. I've watched you fall. Oh, but the joy I've had in watching you get up again, and try again. And I have been growing and strengthening a back bone of steel in you to stand. For in the coming days you will stand, and at your hands My glory will be released. And people will come to you for they will know that you have heard from heaven and can bring guidance into their lives. So nothing you have experienced has been in vain and everything will be redeemed. Receive of Me. Celebrate with Me. This is a joyful day because it's time for things to change. It's time for things to change. Things are fixin' to change!

In HIs love,



Pentecost 2017 - Richard Maisenbacher

Pentecost is a Feast of the Lord celebrated by believers on Sunday June 4th, which is mentioned in Acts 2:1. However, the holy day is found all the way back in the book of Exodus. In the New Testament in Acts 20:16, In this scripture, Paul mentions he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem, if possible, at least by the day of Pentecost.

The Jews celebrated Shavuot when they received the Torah from God in Exodus 20. The presence of God appeared on the top of the mountain in the form of fire. Torah or the Word of God was then given to them on tablets of stone.

In Acts 2, the presence of God fell upon the believers with tongues of fire as they began to speak in the native language of those who were listening. In the book of Jeremiah 31, he prophesied that the Spirit of God would come upon the believers and the Torah would be written on their hearts, rather than on tablets of stone.

We look forward to celebrating this Feast with joy and thanksgiving! He has given us His written Word and continues to write His Word upon our hearts. As our covenant relationship of intimacy increases, His Word on our hearts also increases by knowing Him and the power that relationship brings.

His blessings to you and family, 

Release From Disabling Roots - Becky Maisenbacher

Transition, coupled with God's divine work of transformation and renewal, can sometimes leave one wondering where they are in their life journey. We may try to figure out what God is saying or try to understand the focus of His work in us. When we ask, He is so faithful to reveal His plans and His focal point to guide and encourage us. A dream is one way He speaks to give us guidance and understanding.

In a recent dream Richard and I were in our home, when the doorbell rang. As we opened the door a young couple greeted us with their children, bringing some sweets they had baked to share. We then went outside and joined others who were standing beside a large tree and John Deere Gator utility vehicle. We could immediately observe that the large base roots of the tree had grown around and entwined themselves into and through the bed of the utility vehicle. It was immobile. The only thing holding it back from functioning, as it was designed, were the large roots. Without saying a word, we all knew it was important to pull the roots out that had disabled the vehicle so it could once again function at capacity. As we together began to pull out the roots, we were pleasantly surprised to see how quickly our efforts resulted in the each root relinquishing its hold. As we continued, the roots flew through the air and landed at the base roots of other trees. We knew once the roots were removed they would no longer detain the vehicle or hold it powerless.

Though the Body of Christ has been in a long season of surgery and transition, with God pruning branches to bring new growth and fruit, it is now time to look for the larger deep roots that God is exposing. As we acknowledge them, take time to work on them by pulling them out and removing them, we will be freed from those things that have been holding us down and hindering our forward movement. For some these roots have completely disabled them, where they have become immobile and unusable, causing discouragement and for some despair. For those who will allow God to expose the deep roots hindering them and actively work to remove them, they will begin to experience life and the ability to once again become active and fully alive. They will move forward with great mobility and rock solid stability, smoothly steering with great maneuverability and ground clearance, to ride over bumpy terrain with strength and power. They will have the ability to carry heavy loads while being equipped with the tools and supplies needed to be productive and accomplish all they have been called to, arriving safely at their destination. What may look overwhelming will become very sweet.

Father, thank you that you love us so much that you reveal yourself and your truth to us. You desire to guide and direct us so we may live well and prosper. Now, please show us the roots that may hinder us from moving forward in you. Thank you for strengthening us and giving us the ability to remove all that hinders us from walking in your fullness of life. Thank you Lord!

"Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." (Hebrews 12:1)

In His love - 

I'm Desiring A New Move - Becky Maisenbacher

During our Wednesday night Hearing God class on March 3, 2017 at The Covenant Center, Don Franklin released the following word. God is speaking and desiring to reveal Himself to you; and I pray He will give you eyes to see and ears to hear His desires for this time and season in the earth. Love and blessings to you - Becky

"I'm going to give it to the meek and lowly at heart, to those who are on their faces before Me crying out for what I want. There are preconceived ideas in other groups that are not in line with what I want. And the Lord said, I will not once again hand over the power and anointing of God to a group that's going to take it astray. I am looking for a people that will listen to Me, walk with Me, and do it the way that I want it done.

And God says, stand up if you want to be counted. Stand up in the Spirit. Stand up and call upon Me. I am a fair and equal opportunity employer. Say not I am small; I am too weak; I don't have this; I don't have that. You have Me. And My Spirit is hovering over this city and I am testing men and women. And I am checking out hearts and I am looking for those who will come strong after Me, and will obey Me and listen to Me. The Lord said, this thing is not settled yet.

Call on Me. I will show you great and mighty things that you know not of. I'm sifting out the hearts of men before My judgement seat. Oh, be swift my soul to answer Him; be jubilant my feet. I'm calling and an knocking; I am seeking; I am walking the streets of this city looking for men and women who will obey Me and listen to Me and do it the way I want it done.

I am looking to nest. I am looking for a home. I'm looking for a place to land, and to tabernacle and to abide, and to nurture. I am looking for a hospital; I'm looking for a place to bring the sick and the wounded - those that need the grace, and the mercy, and the hand of God. I'm looking for a place to tabernacle where My Spirit can have free rein. It's not over yet.

Was not My Son born in Bethlehem? He did not come out of Jerusalem. He came out of a manger, in a small place. Do I not love the meek and the lowly? Have I not said that I Am the high and lofty One who inhabits eternity, whose Name is Holy and I dwell with those who have a meek and a contrite heart? Am I not attracted to the smallest one in the family - a little boy named David?

There's a humility that resides within the Godhead that the church does not understand. I am not arrogant; I am not proud; I am not looking to show off. In fact, the other attributes are exactly what I am. I am meek and lowly of heart. Jesus said, if you've seen Me, you've seen the Father. He did not boast; He did not brag; He did not show off. He was not trying to prove anything to anyone. He was simply being the manifestation of God.

So, know this, the meeker you are, the lowlier you are, the kinder you are, the more you attract the power, the anointing, the angelic realm of God. The Lord said, I'm looking for another manger. I'm looking for a Bethlehem. I've had my fill of Jerusalem. Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am meek and lowly of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Competition is of the enemy. This is not a competition, although many have turned it into a competition - a boasting and bragging love fest. Who has the most of this? Who has that? How many did it seat? How many are there, and on and on it goes. It has nothing to do with My kingdom and that's why My moving in those places is limited. They limit the Holy One of Israel; they limit the Holy One of Israel all the time thinking they are doing Me a favor, when they are actually, blocking what I really want to do. That's why I don't move; that's why I'm not flowing.

I'm looking for the right place - the right manger, the right people. Heaven desires to move; heaven is hungry to touch, heal, to bring in. It is man that binds the hand of the Lord. When the Lord went into His hometown, He could not heal. It was man that blocked what He wanted to do. And again, and again, and again I have been blocked when I wanted to move in certain places, and I continue to be blocked. But the Lord said, I am going to open up portals and places where there are mangers and where there are those who have learned to walk in meekness and the holiness and the submission to God.

So, know this - it's wide-open; it's wide-open; it's wide-open. Many places have formalized and crystalized in their structure and i will not be able to move like this through them. I will move to the limit that they let Me move. But I have laws that limit Me from moving through denominations and congregations, even free flowing places that think they are moving in a direction that will be pleasing to Me. I cannot move because of inborn attitudes and "What will happen down the road if I do?" Therefore, I hold back no matter how many times they cut themselves, cry, and fall, and pray. The Lord says, I am hindered by their very inner attitudes.

Look deep into the heart of the scriptures and see what Bethlehem was like, what David was like, what the Lord Himself was like. This is where you'll fine Me flowing. The Syrophoenician woman is the key; when she was insulted, she ducked under and humbled herself. Humble yourself in front of the Almighty and I will answer with fire upon your altar.

I am desiring to move in this House; I'm desiring to move among you; I am desiring to pour out My Spirit on this group. Just humble yourselves before Me and call on Me; call on Me; call on Me. As you go through your days, call on Me from the inner spirit of your heart. Hannah never said a word out loud and I gave Samuel. You don't have to get bold; you don't have to get loud.

I will raise up those who have an anointing for this, but it is not for everyone. Call on Me night and day from your heart, and the Lord says, I will answer with fire - first in your heart and then in a congregational setting. I'm desiring to move; I'm desiring to move; I'm desiring a new move, a new structure, a new way of presenting even the Gospel, not only to this city, but to the globe. You are already in the future.

Let those that have what they have, go with what they have. But look to Me, saith God; it's a new thing that I am doing, and yet it's as old as the hills of Jerusalem. Well done, My good and faithful servants; enter thou into the joy of the Lord and find the Kingdom of God as it was intended to be lived and preached. Angels are hovering over this place, waiting, waiting, waiting. Don Franklin

He Is Looking For A People....Richard Maisenbacher

This past Sunday, April 2, 2017, Becky Maisenbacher delivered a word of the Lord emphasizing the Lord's desire for us to seek Him and His presence. The word was also a challenge for us to lay down competition and any program that would stand in the way of what He wants to do as He knits us together as a body. Be blessed and encouraged by the following word. - Richard

"Holy Spirit, we just thank You for coming here today. We just ask You to speak. What would You say to Your people today? What would You desire for us to hear, Lord? You've come with Your precious presence and we thank You. We thank You that You choose to abide with us, that we may learn to be a habitation for You.

And I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, I am looking for a people. I am looking for a place. I am searching for a family where I may rest. I am searching for a people who desire for Me and My presence, where they would allow Me to move without pretense, without marketing, without false celebration of what I am doing. I desire to have a place that My Spirit is free to reign without the pretense of competition, without the disappointment for the lack of a program. Could you be that place? Could you give up your desires or your expectations of who I am, and let Me be? Let Me be? For I have searched far and wide, and yes, there were places that I began to manifest My presence and what I desired to do. And at first I was celebrated, and then they took their eyes off of Me and they began to declare, "Look at me! Look at us! Look at who we are! Look how great we are! Look at what we have become!" And once again I was lost in the equation of what man thinks I am and who they must be. But I continued to search the earth for that family, that place, that people, that individual who will let Me be. And it will not be for personal gain. It will not be for personal glory. It will be a place to simply let Me be. Could you be that place? Could you be that people? Could you be that family that will come and celebrate with Me and let Me be? Could you let Me have my way and continue to point toward Me in the heavens? Could you lay down the need to be seen, to be exalted?

I come to you today with these questions. For even as the activity of My hosts, My heavenly hosts are here today in their anticipation and excitement, I anticipate that with you. Could you lay down everything of what you think I am and every expectation of how I am to perform for you, and let Me be? For I desire to show you My glory, My greatness. But in My mercy, when the celebration becomes about you, I must remove Myself so that you are not destroyed. So could you come, let Me have My way, and sacrifice your own needs so that I may thrive?

I love you. I love you! And I know your plans and purposes are good. And I know you desire to celebrate Me as a child celebrates and loves his mother and father. But I tell you, if you can do this thing with Me, you will be amazed at the works that I will do in you, in this family, in this place, if you choose to allow me to truly reign.

I love you, My beloved. I love you, My beloved. Thank you for choosing to let Me reign. Thank you for choosing to let Me have My way. Thank you for letting Me be who I am. I Am! Thank you. Thank you for laying down all your own needs or desires. Even that competition. Even that competition that can be so - so, in the world's hands, so celebratory, but in Mine, in My world, it is distasteful, because I love you all and I desire to touch you all with My loving hand. No one is greater, no one is less. Just let Me be who I am. Let Me be who I am."

Becky then continued with some further insight - The angels are ministering right now. Thank you. The Lord has come with questions for not only us individually, but as a body. This is truly a holy moment. This is a moment to decide with the angels and Holy Spirit, what are we able to do? What are we able to do for Him in removing ourselves and not touching Him in His glory. I don't think we'll be able to decide this today, but it is a sobering request. And as I'm sitting here I'm reminded of a word that was prophetically given to our community several years ago, and it's just now becoming real to me; which was the Lord asking if we could make this a habitation of His presence, and that He had things that He wanted to do here with us and through us to touch the world in His name. But there was a condition in the word, and the condition was when people came and said, 'Oh, look what you are doing!,' and the excitement over His presence and visitation and you know, whether we like it or not as humans we start to go, 'Wow, I'm pretty good. He's come sitting with me!' But the condition that prophet spoke was , when He moves and people come, can we just say, yes, it's just family. It's part of the family, and remove ourselves from any pretense, you know, that anything came from us, but it was all from Him. 

So, I submit this to you today. Thank you Lord. We just ask You to come and minister to each person here today and too all of us as a family, as a Covenant family You divinely have brought together. We know You have spoken and You have strategically placed us together and we don't really understand that, Lord, or what it looks like, or what the purpose is. But I thank you we can all learn to just be family. You've been knitting us together as a family, celebrating one another and not competing. Not even competing with Your other families that You've created, Lord. We're just The Covenant Center family, and You are our Lord. - Becky Maisenbacher




Eating Healthy - Richard Maisenbacher

Many believers in the United States are wondering: "If God is in charge why do we have so much strife going on right now?" I believe this article found below by Skip Moen offers an answer to this question. Certainly food for thought...Richard

EATING HEALTHY by Skip Moen, D. Phil.

I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans? 1 Corinthians 3:2-3 NASB

Still not ready - We all want the healthy stuff, right? We want the full meal, the meat and potatoes, the diet that gives us spiritual strength and insight. But are we ready? Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that we are. Notice what Paul says about those who are still on baby food. They aren't ready because they don't follow the same rituals? Oh, wrong again. They aren't ready because they attend that other assembly. No, again. Paul's entry requirement to the banquet hall is rather startling. The reason for a continual diet of baby food is jealousy and arguing. Until we get over the ego issues, we can't get to the adult's table.

If what Paul says is true, then you and I are surrounded by a world of babies. Everywhere I go there is jealousy and arguing. The Greek terms help us see the bigger problem. Zelos (jealousy) is that fervent desire to have it my way. In the early Church fathers, this Greek word is used in the sense of envy, to have what is yours simply because I want it. This attitude is competitive and aggressive. It is the, "You're wrong, I'm right. Shut up!" environment. Of course, we can be jealous with civility. We just dismiss the actions and thoughts of others. "It's too bad that they don't get it, but isn't it nice that we have the truth." According to Paul, this life style keeps us on strained peas.

"Quarreling" is the Greek term eris. It is strife, contention, intransigent debate. You and I have seen plenty of this in religious circles. We don't discuss anymore. We argue. We fight to claim we are right. And most of all, we act as though we have nothing more to learn. We are the guardians of the true gospel and anyone who questions us is anathema. Between 303 CE and 428 CE the whole Christian world was caught up in this kind of attitude. As a result, the Church murdered its own, claiming that God demanded the removal of those who did not agree. Instead of killing each other, we just start a new assembly. That way we don't have to repent over the graves we left behind.

Paul's assessment?  "Are you not acting in typical human ways." The NASB adds "merely," but the message is pretty clear. You will not eat at God's table until you give up your need to be right. If jealousy, envy and strife are present, don't expect to grow. In fact, Paul might even call you sinners. Perhaps the first step we need to take in this spiritual diet is a trip to the mirror. If you discover that the person staring back at you has to be right, rejects any alternative, competes for prominence and won't budge an inch, you might notice a severe malnutrition is setting in.

Skip Moen; www.skipmoen.com

Your Healing Journey - Becky Maisenbacher

Do you know God knew you before He formed the World? Jeremiah 5:1 tells us before the foundations of the earth were laid He knew you! Before you even entered your mother's womb He knew you and had a plan for your life. This is how important you are to Him and how much He cares about you. God chose you to be here and it is His desire to prosper you. Read and pray 3 John 1:2 over you today and let your heart receive His love and desire for you: "Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." Well, you may say, "Yes, but you don't know what it's been like. You don't understand." Beloved, I may not, but He knows you, and He is with you and does understand.

When illness of any kind appears, God in His love has a plan and He has a prescription of healing made out just for you. God's plan for health and life culminated at the cross by Jesus. He bore the sickness and pain for all and released His healing power into the earth (1 Peter 2:24) flowing through two main streams. One is the natural stream, which is good and at times very necessary. God may direct you toward healing through, physicians, medication, surgery, vitamins, physical therapy, nutritional and diet changes and more; and all this has been provided for you through His hands of provision. He is the Creator of all things so it is good to receive from this important medical stream. We are so fortunate to live in a country with some of the best medical assistance available in the world. However, there is also a supernatural side to healing that we sometimes forget to seek out, and that is Jesus, who is our healer. His name, Jehovah Rapha, declares He is our health. He is your health! This second stream of healing includes prayer, laying on of hands by the elders, anointing with oil, taking communion, and angelic visitations. Jesus used many different methods of healing including, prayer, mud, spit, a touch, angels and more. Some received spontaneous healing or miracles, while others languished for years, like the cripple who waited 38 years and the woman with the curved spine who bore pain for 18 years before complete restoration arrived. It is never too late. No matter how long you have been waiting. Nothing is impossible for Him and for those who believe. There are no limits to how He may touch you and bring wholeness to you.

With all the wonderful modern medicine and technology, the first place we usually look for help is the medical field, and again that is good. I support God using the various streams of medicine to diagnose and heal, and have been healed many times through their knowledge and skill. However, in our need for relief, we may forget and leave Jesus out of the healing equation. He is still in the miracle healing business and personally I believe every healing no matter how it is attained is a miracle. How beautifully and wonderfully made we are that God has built into our bodies the ability to heal and be resilient. Even if your healing comes through a process that takes time and medical support you can still actively participate with Him in your healing journey. First, remember how important you are to God and know that it His desire to be there with you - to love you and heal you! Ask Him into your situation. Tell Him how much you need Him. What good and loving Father will not respond to the need of His child? Ask Him: "Jesus, please come into this situation. I need You. I need Your healing touch. I need You to help me. Please help me through this healing journey. Please come with Your health and life. I trust You. I believe in You and that You want to heal me. I receive Your life and healing touch. Thank You Jesus. Thank You for healing me and bringing wholeness to me." Make this one of your meditations and tell Him often how much you need Him. Whisper or declare His name - "Jesus!" His name is above all names and just mentioning it changes the dynamics and atmosphere around you when you are in covenant with Him. "Jesus! Jesus, I need You and love You. Please help me. Thank You Jesus."

Also, consider listening to streaming worship music or healing scriptures to feed your soul and spirit. Take a few moments each day to read His word, especially Matthew through John, which teach on the various ways Jesus brought healing to those in need. Ask someone who is in relationship with God to pray for you and if you are able to attend church, ask an elder to pray or anoint you with oil. If you're unable to connect with others, search for a radio or television program with sound biblical teaching that will encourage and feed you. Devotionals, internet, emails and phone calls are other ways to align with those who will pray and believe with you for your recovery. Keep knocking on various doors of healing and seeking Him. Though discouragement or despair may stalk you, keep your eyes on His beautiful face, thanking Him for His grace to heal. I pray that Jesus would bring you comfort and peace, and that He becomes more real to you than ever before as He walks with you through your healing journey where His light of love breaks forth with new life.

"Precious Jesus, please come with Your healing touch to Your people. Heal the broken hearted, those rejected or experiencing loneliness, those living with shame or guilt, those fighting disease or sickness, arthritis and pain, or financial distress. I speak Your wondrous name over them - 'Jesus,' and I thank You for bringing relief, health, and life to their situation. Guide them through their healing journey. I praise and thank You Father."

What Is Covenant Faith? - Richard Maisenbacher

In Romans 1:17 Paul says, ".....the righteous man shall live by faith." In the New Testament Paul was quoting from Habakkuk 2:4. However, when we look at Habakkuk it actually says, ".....but the righteous will live by his faith." That sounds a little more like the responsibility falls on me! We know according to Romans 14:23 that "whatever is not from faith is sin." I then begin to question myself, "How do I acquire faith to please Him?"

In the church we have made statements like: God will solve almost all your problems if you just have enough faith; Well, to be healed all you need is a little more faith; You need more faith for that miracle; or She had great faith therefore God answered her prayer. It might behoove us to define what is faith?

According to Hebrews 11:1, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." In Romans 10:17 Scripture states: "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ." The Greek translation of the word (of Christ) is "Rhema" defined as "that which is uttered by the living voice," implying a relationship with Christ. Another way of defining faith would be, "hearing, believing, speaking and obedience or simply, trust in and obedience to." Randi Lechner has taught us that faith has been used as a noun, because "faithing" as a verb does not translate in our English language. However faith is a verb with action. "Faithing" probably explains the relational process better. Skip Moen also states that "Faith is my active attitude and behavioral reliance on His trustworthiness. My action is putting myself in His care regardless of the circumstances I see. I may declare or recite written Scriptures, but without relationship, there is no faith."

When I came to Christ as a believer I entered a covenant relationship with Him. I just did not realize the depth of what the relationship really meant. In a covenant made with God, there is an exchange process that continually takes place. The stronger party exchanges with the weaker one in the covenant. Guess who the stronger party is in this relationship? There is an exchange of names, position, character, nature and responsibility. In this relationship I choose to trust Him or not trust Him. In a relationship we do not just "think" about the person, but we engage and participate with the person. Faith is received in an exchange; a covenant exchange. I do not have to work to receive it. I receive in a relationship of trust. I rely on God's faithfulness.

Jesus is the model of intimacy. He spent hours in prayer with His Father, so He could be connected to the Source of Life. I do not think He was begging for blessings and power. He was enjoying what it meant to be human and  one with the Father as He entered in to the covenant. The Father imparted all HIs life and character to Jesus, just like He is doing with us today.

So yes, faith comes by hearing, but it comes from an intimate rhema word, an intimate word from prayer and God imparting His voice to us. Then, we choose to believe we have heard from Him in our covenant relationship, and we begin to line up our communication with what we have heard and then we obey. We can trust Him because He is trustworthy! Therefore, we can be content and joyful in our relationship of covenant faith with Him, not necessarily looking at our current circumstances. I'll share more with you in my next writing. Until then, may you enjoy receiving more faith in this beautiful covenant relationship designed by Him.

It's A New Day - A Time to Reap! - Becky Maisenbacher

What are you doing Lord? What are you doing? "I am building a people, training a people, speaking to a people, loving a people, providing for a people. Has it not been so?" But oh God, for me, it has been so hard! What have I done to make it so hard? "What have you done My beloved? You let Me take you into My breast and hold you in My arms. You gave your life to Me and allowed Me to come into your heart and change who you were. You allowed Me to take away the dross and fill you with My glory. Great feats take deep training. How deep are you willing to go? For what feats are you willing to do with Me? For I continue to look throughout the earth for those who will surrender and say, 'Not my will but Yours be done Lord.' And what joy that brings to Me when a vessel surrenders themselves and opens their heart to the things of My kingdom and not of this earth. For yes, you look around and say, 'Oh they are blessed and they are blessed - what's wrong with me?' "Who is the one who is blessed? Who is the one who is blessed? The one who carries My presence! The one who carries My glory! The one who has gone through the fire of transformation and who has allowed Me to change their heart! The one who I have shared My glory with, where they can reach out and touch and heal and change a heart and bring life. Those are the blessed. And so it has been in this house."

"Those of you who have been willing to walk through the fire and say, 'Yes, Lord I surrender myself to You.' "Even when it was hard, and even when you were close to giving up, you would dig down deep to the river of faith that I had placed within you, and you chose to stand. Morning by morning, My grace was sufficient for you. So for those who have surrendered and have allowed My process for development and transformation, I say to you, what you have heard on the waves, what you've heard on the radio and what you've heard on the TV - This is a new day! This is a new day! Though there are days when it's hard to believe and though you may not see it in the natural yet, look with your spirit eyes. Now, I say look with your spirit eyes. Listen to the sounds of heaven. Record your dreams and see as I visit you what I am going to do for you. For now is the time of great reaping. For has it not been said, and is it not a statute and principle in My kingdom that what you sow you reap? And you will go out with joy and so you shall see a time of reaping. A time of reaping!"

What shall I reap Lord? What will I reap? I've lost everything. I have lost everything Lord. "Ah, beloved, remember My promises. Remember My words to you. Remember My life to you. Remember when we dreamed. Remember when we dreamed? But the interruption came when I stopped to give you the process of transformation and to say, oh by My mercy, I cannot take you any further yet for what I have for your destiny, until I change you. For it is My mercy that comes. How many times have you thought it was the enemy coming to halt those things? It was not the enemy. It was Me. For in My mercy I train and I train and I teach and I mature and I prepare those who I am about to send forth. Would a father send a child into the fire? I have equipped you. I have trained you. I have tested you. I have challenged you. I have waited even to see what you would do. I have refined you. I continue to mature you."

"This is a new day! And to those of you who have had the promises, you've had the promises, it is time to reap. It is time to reap! So take this today My beloved for I release the finances to you. I release My glory to you. I release My healing to you. I release My life to you. I'm bringing My hope to you. I say to you, 'Arise.' To my beloved, it is time to dream again! It is time My beloved to carry you away and take you to the places that we've talked about. It is now time. It is now time. Remember My release today. Look for it. Look for it. For it shall surely come. I celebrate it! I'm so pleased with you. I'm so pleased you have allowed Me - that you have made a habitation for Me to come and visit with you. That I may come and live with you. That I may come and reside with you. I am so pleased. I love you. I rejoice in you. And by My grace and by My breath we will go forward with the plans and destiny. I will now give this to you. Believe! Believe! My beloved, it is time again to believe!"

May this word encourage and strengthen you,

Believe! - Becky Maisenbacher

While shopping the after Christmas holiday sale in a local hobby store in January of this year, I was scanning the available items when my eyes focused on a pure white rectangular throw pillow with cursive script boldly declaring "Believe," followed by a swirling line of silver ending with one delicate glittering silver star. This may seem a bit strange, but I have not been able to get the image of that succinct and concise script expressed on a simple pillow. Believe! What a simple message and yet so profound. My thoughts traveled back to our forefathers - far back to Abraham and Sarah, to David, Solomon and especially Mary and Joseph as the shimmering star hung in the heavens showing the way to the wisemen, marking the Lord's birth and declaring to all that night to "Believe." Everyone at some time in life must choose to believe, even when the signs are not there and hope seems like a vapor. God has given His grace, faith and strength to us to choose to believe. Sometimes circumstances and obstacles seem so overwhelming, but God uses these very moments to teach us to persevere, endure and to nurture hope and trust.

I don't know about you, but the past ten years were challenging. There were moments when I wanted to give up and yet my heart would not allow it. You see, we often blame the enemy for our challenges when God is actually performing heart and soul surgery on us. This is the work of the Cross which includes the path of brokenness. Some call this work the process of transformation while others refer to it as the PIT - Person In Training. We essentially learn He is strong and we are weak. We learn to look outward to service instead of inward to our own wants and desires. We are taught to wait on God for promotion instead of promoting ourselves. We learn to be content in Him and what He has provided, instead of wishing or even pouting that we lived in someone else's shoes. We learn that time is not particularly important to God and that he is interested in our personal development, including character, gifts and integrity. We also learn He trains and teaches, and the lesson may be followed by a test, allowing us to see the progress in our growth and development. In the process of transformation He will dismantle all that we are, so He can fill us with all that He is. Transformation is a covenant exchange.

How often we encounter the challenges of life and immediately blame the enemy or someone else. Yes, sometimes we open doors for attack through our own poor choices, but most of the time the circumstances are staged for God to work deeply within us. I spent too many moments moaning and whining to God, even begging Him to deliver me from harsh situations, until I finally realized my circumstances were being orchestrated by Him. He used each situation to destroy unbiblical belief systems, and unhealthy mental structures I developed while in the world. As He demolished the old systems in me, He renewed my mind and taught me to lean on Him. He rebuilt kingdom structures and taught me to serve. He strengthened me to stand, to endure and persevere when waves of adversity flow, and He grounded me in His promises teaching me to trust. He continues to develop obedience and the understanding of sacrifice.

You may ask, "How long does this covenant exchange process take?" It simply takes as long as it takes for you to surrender to His divine work and plan for your life. To allow Him to teach and train you, mature and transform you into the vessel He desires you to be, so you can accomplish the work He places before you. If you have given your life to God, He will wield His scalpel and reshape your character. Often through adversity He changes us from the inside out. It is His mercy that guides and transforms a surrendered heart, because He wants you to succeed. He loves you and one of His greatest desires is to have relationship with you and bless you. And like a good Father, he desires to prepare you and equip you to touch a world in His name. So as you yield and allow Him to change you more into His character and image, He will provide all that He has laid up for you. He will release your inheritance and you will know the reward of His joy and peace, contentment and life as He comes to you with His presence.

The Meaning of LIfe - Becky Maisenbacher

Well, here we go with another year. As the clock strikes twelve and we celebrate another year, you may pause, like me, and ask, "What will this new year bring? What is my life all about?" We make resolutions, lay out strategies to instill vitality and hope, while attempting to pump up our endorphins and dopamine levels to feel better about life and to simply help us make it through another year. We look to prophetic voices hoping they will declare a word of encouragement and promise that this will be a terrific year and all will go well. I've certainly entertained these strategies myself, and at times they have brought encouragement, especially when I experienced deep loss and needed strengthening. But in truth, even though we may declare and make resolutions for adventure and happiness believing our dreams will be fulfilled, life will undoubtedly throw us a challenge, disappointment, sorrow, sadness or loss. So right now you may be thinking with a little sarcasm, "Great message Becky!"

You know I'm not here to pop bubbles, but if you read and study scripture it doesn't take long to understand that life is beautiful but also teeming with challenges. If we gain wisdom through our life experiences as some suggest, then we can identify with the words spoken in Ecclesiastes by the author, whom scholars believe to be Solomon. He speaks in chapter one not only of the vanity and striving in life, but he ponders the futility of all endeavors while touching on life's sadness or pain. He found in his experience with much wisdom there was much grief and that increasing knowledge resulted in increasing pain (1:18). He also concluded that all his labor was only vanity and striving after the wind - all without profit (2:11).

Have you ever felt defeated in life like the author? I've certainly had moments of distress. Your journey may sometimes feel like a large slinky, stretch and spiraling round and round with a rhythmic pattern of rotations. Year after year cycling through this magnificent and yet perplexing journey called Life; filled with daily chores, household and work schedules, play schedules and appointments, while attempting to sprinkle a few plans for fun, refreshing, vacations, holidays or celebrations. "If I only had ......"

You see, the author tried all forms of worldly pleasure to attain wisdom and understanding to the meaning of life; including human achievement with the aspiration of greatness, as well as wealth, recognition or making an impact in the world. But he pessimistically concluded that all was emptiness, it was all vanity, as he scanned his works while observing the injustice in the world. We would probably diagnose him today as extremely depressed with an anxiety disorder as he shares his thoughts and wonderings, touching on the grave, while wrestling with his conclusion whether man is rich or poor, he ends up as dust. How easy it is to become cynical and discouraged when we try to write out our own story, dreaming and pursuing happiness greatness, only to find it can not fill the hole in our heart. We attempt to do all the right things and yet in one unsettling moment everything we have worked for evaporates and we, like Solomon, find our paradigms challenged. Even David cried out as found in the Psalms, in moments of conflict and despair, "God why do good men suffer and the wicked seem to prosper?"

Fortunately as we read on in this book there is good news! For after his search for life and working to attain pleasure through every form known to man, the author states his conclusion and his revelation to the real meaning of life - reverence and relationship with God (Ecc. 12:13-14). How profound and yet so simple. He states: "The conclusion, when all has been heard is fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil."

The author recognized that without God in the equation, all happiness is meaningless. He recognized how life can seem unjust and hopeless without a relationship with God. Through his wandering and wondering, Solomon found a great key to understanding. When God is at the center of your life, you will align with heaven and be guided and secure in His divine purpose. You will also find comfort and peace as you grow in understanding and wisdom, gaining the revelation that the treasures of this world are but a vapor, compared to a life centered in God which holds for you an eternal treasure.

What great wisdom and resolution the author of Ecclesiastes presents to us today as we begin this New Year 2017. Recognizing and returning to the only One who can truly fill the ache, the longing and emptiness in our hearts - our Father. He is softly and tenderly, waiting and watching, calling His people to come home to Him. Whether you are weary, discouraged, disappointed, lacking understanding or wisdom, fearful or just plain without vision, He is there waiting for you. Come home. Spend time with Him. He has wonderful plans for you and your life. Let Him walk with you an guide you through this exciting New Year and let Him reveal to you personally, the true meaning of your life.

Please know you are remembered in prayer and cherished as part of our Covenant family. I thank God for you and trust our Father will bless and keep you and your family throughout this coming year! In His love -

Encouragement for 2017 - Richard Maisenbacher

After spending time alone with the Lord during Christmas break, I sensed Him speaking to me about the Body of Christ, what He is doing within our community at The Covenant Center, and a few other items which were more global.

He reminded me the enemy or the anti-Christ spirit's goal is to over burden and wear out the Saints. This year the enemy will attempt to keep you busy focusing on yourself to discouraged and drain you of energy and vitality. Many in the Body are able to carry other's burdens, intercede for them and become incredible strength, support and encouragement. It will be important to recognize the season you are in, whether you are to stand and assist or rest. There will be others who will get caught in backbiting and consistent resistance. They will carry false burdens, stress out trying to assist and eventually burn out. The obvious warning is to be careful not to carry more than God has required of you, so you will not become overwhelmed. Remember to intercede and then cast your burden on the Lord. (Psalm 55:22)

Hitting the mark is being able to apply the Scriptures to your life. Missing the mark is sin, meaning we try to hit the mark, but we simply miss it. Personal prophetic words received may help give you a road map or goal to move toward. We are to be aggressive in our pursuit toward the Word, understanding what preparation is necessary, what action we need to take and how much time it may take in our life before the word fully comes to pass. It also takes wisdom to know when to share a word and when to remain silent and protect it. This all will take place as you work with the Lord allowing Him to direct and transform you.

The Lord enjoys your time of fellowship, prayer and intimacy with Him. For some, this is the year He will move prayer and intercession from an obligation to a time of peace and intense desire. The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching the heart, seeking truth, light and revelation. Holy Spirit will be shinning light upon the earth, in your heart, His word, the Church and the world. Some will have the courage to stand in the gap for those who struggle with fear or depression. God will also release wisdom to know how to give help and support.

The Lord will direct your path at all times, enabling you to be free from care, engaging in the joy of life and functioning in child like faith. However, there may be other moments when you feel out of control. Understand He is still with you and directing your path. You will walk and experience a new path of peace and protection finding joy in relationships, helping you to reach new levels of compassion and humility.

The Lord will be helping many Saints to break through where new spiritual fruit will be available to eat and share with others. There will be an explosion in the spirit realm by Thanksgiving 2017 that will culminate in many blessings and promises that are part of the restoration of the Lord.

Many believers have worked with the Lord to build a strong foundation in Him. Some have experienced pain and rejection leaving scars. What you have experienced and walked through will be used to build your spiritual house this year. Some houses will be finished and ready for ministry while others will continue being constructed one room at a time.

Holy Spirit is going to visit the young people and youth. During this time they will need strong parents and adults to teach, mentor, love and encourage in biblical truths, the gifts of the Spirit, dreams and emotional healing. 

This will be the year The Covenant Center will experience an increase in spontaneous prophetic flow of worship. There will also be a prophetic flow of previously written songs and choreographed dance, blending the two together.

There has been a season of walking gingerly to not offend certain groups or peoples. Now, a new vigor and enthusiasm for sharing truth will manifest without apology.

Technology will grow exponentially creating ease for business and information, which unfortunately will also create additional abuse in this area.

God is shining His light on you and your family. He will be highlighting areas of increase and favor as well as areas needing attention to address and change.

God will make His stand with Israel very clear this year. You will see many people coming back spiritually and physically to Israel as His truths prevail.

In Jeremiah 21:12 we find two tasks God desired for Israel to accomplish to keep from falling. I believe the same challenge given to them is now directed at the United States: 1) Administer justice and 2) Deliver those people who have been robbed from the power of the oppressor.

Holy Spirit spoke this very clearly to me: "By My grace I will give My Body the opportunity to walk in purity." Be encouraged when God deals with your heart, for His desire is to move you into a higher level of integrity, honor and virtue.

For those called to write, God will impart a divine motivation, so you may proceed and complete your assignments.

Many will experience mixture in ministry dealing with highs and lows in their personal life. Be prepared to recover quickly from the lows, enjoy the highs and embrace the accelerated ride.

I heard Holy Spirit declare: "I will put My hand on this ministry, as I will several others, and cause it to grow. The spiritual and natural house will be prepared for ministry as well as battle. I am causing a great shaking in the earth which will release signs, healing and miracles."

Be encouraged, God is on the move! He is not caught unaware of your circumstances and is with you in your victory as well as your sorrow. Becky and I pray that your New Year will be filled with His love and presence. We thank God for you!

What A Great Trip to Israel! - Richard Maisenbacher

Even though the flight from Newark, New Jersey to Tel Aviv, Israel was long, it was worth the wait. Our incredible tour guide Stan Goodenough has a great website where as a journalist he keeps the world updated on current events regarding Israel. You may want to check him out at jerusalemwatchman.org. From South Africa, Stan has lived half of his life in Israel and exudes an obvious love for the God of Israel, the land, and its people. Stan is a journalist by occupation with not only a wealth of knowledge about the sites in Israel, but also an understanding of its politics, history, religion and current tensions. He has a way of challenging traditional Christian thoughts, which have no substance in the Bible, Old or New Testament. He helps those participants during his tour to begin to understand the persecution and difficulty the Jewish people have gone through and are presently experiencing.

Obviously visiting the places where Jesus, Abraham, David and the prophets lived their lives is naturally exhilarating; however, Stan brings a depth to education and history at the sites that awakens one's soul. You come away with a one-week historical tour, which can't be experienced in any college course. His presentation ignites a love for the land and its people. After all, the earth is groaning with earthquakes, fires, winds and other natural phenomenon preparing for Jesus' return.

Stan encourages us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the State of Israel. There has never been a country in which so many others in history have desired the land for themselves. Even though they became their own nation again in 1948, many countries today still want to divide the land and give away the West Bank, with the United States leading the charge. God said He would bless those who bless Israel. My vote is to keep it the way it is. Israel is extremely tolerant to other people and religious groups as long as they are not threatened. But know - Israel will defend itself!

In Romans 11 Paul reminds us that some of the branches were broken off the olive tree which represented Israel, and we being a wild olive shoot were grafted in among them and became a partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree. So instead of being arrogant believing we have now replaced Israel, we should be joyous, that the gentiles (as devoted Christians by faith) are included in the covenant of promise! We look forward to the return of Jesus to the Mount of Olives where He will take His throne in Jerusalem and we will live with Him on earth. What exciting times are coming!

Thanks to Stan Goodenough for the tour, Moti the driver for safe passage, Zach Maisenbacher, organizer of the trip, and Daniel Decker, Director of JET (Jerusalem Eternal Tours), and those we toured with. What a wonderful time of fellowship and intimacy we shared. Zach will be planning another tour soon, giving everyone time to save up and prepare. My personal highlight was sharing this trip with my wife Becky, and of course watching the shock on the faces of those baptized as they entered the frigid River Jordan. Priceless!