I Am Not A Religion - I Am Relationship

The sun kissed the earth early Sunday morning as I awakened to get ready for our Covenant Center December 17th morning celebration. Richard and I took off for The Center as I sang Christmas songs in my head, and he prayed for the meeting and our TCC family. Joy and thanksgiving filled my heart for the Lord’s presence and this special season. As we drove closer to our destination, I unexpectedly sensed an intense sadness and grief, when I was taken into a vision and the Spirit began to speak.

I had been asking the Lord what was on His heart as we prepared to celebrate Christmas and the new year. The great sadness, a soberness from heaven left me breathless. I was not expecting this on such a bright joyful morning. The chatter in the car diminished as my senses zeroed in on the gentle whisper of the Spirit. I knew it was important to stay focused as we arrived at The Center. I immediately gathered paper and pen and began to write down what I received. As an intercessor it is not unusual to hear him speak and share, however I can count on one hand the times I have sensed and received such intense grief and sobering presence that moved me to tears. I was being visited by his spirit of truth and repentance. Maybe you have experienced this too.

After writing down all that I received, Richard asked to read it. The King was visiting and within my spirit man, I was bowed low at his presence. I thought this visit and revelation was simply for me; however, as Richard asked me to share what he considered “a tough word,” I submitted the following to our TCC family and our prophetic council. I prefaced that this word is NOT directed at any one person, church, or denomination. The vision included places and people, events I walked through or observed in my 50 years of ministry and 70 years in his body.

To me, he was simply sharing his sadness at the many toxic, sometimes covered up events that have been hidden and perpetrated upon his precious body, often being done in his name. Unfortunately, I have seen more than I wish to know. The depth of grief that I sensed from him was literally painful and revealed his call for repentance as intercessors. As we prepare for 2024, I could sense His desire to bring correction and proper alignment of those who have been positioned over his people. I now submit this to you for prayer and reflection. He shares his secrets as well as his pain as he reveals what is to come. He loves his people so deeply. He desires great life for you and as a God of mercy, he has withheld his hand for a time. However, I sensed he is ready to bring some correction, for his desire is still to come for a church without spot or wrinkle.

“I Am He – there is no other. I Am the Spirit of Grace and I have given My people free choice. I’ve given assignments for them to walk with Me and build My Kingdom. But alas – much like My people who chose Saul, time has proven their choices. As I have watched those people who have turned My words into their own and many have chosen to build their kingdom instead of Mine. I have (patiently) watched as men have lifted themselves up, they have sometimes made idols in My name, some unintentionally and some with malice and intent. They say: “Come to me – Follow me!” They have left a strange taste in My mouth. As man, many men, have violated my people [a much stronger word was used]. They have caused others to look to them and others instead of Me. The Spirit of the Lord says: Enough I say! Enough!

Now I, the Lord, I will arise. Now I will be the One that is exalted! Now I will be lifted up! You will see in the coming days, [certain] structures and those who have exalted themselves before Me – they will be dealt with by My hand. I will now build My Kingdom. I have given you, My people the time in the earth to build, but now the time is Mine. For I have heard the cries of My children in their distress, in their confusion and pain, and the toxicity of My church. Hold on and do not fear, as I am bringing the church age to the end, and I am translating it now into My Kingdom, where My will, will be done! My Beloved, in these days, you have heard it spoken - be wise as serpents, and gentle as doves. Be alert, stand and see My salvation. Know My Beloved, that My heart is for you! Watch for Me. I have told you many things, as I tell you the truth, that I will be with you always. And I will be with you as those who choose to now build My Kingdom.

I Am not a religion – I Am Relationship. There are those who will know Me. There will be those who desire to know Me deep within, and they will take My hand, and they will speak by the Spirit of Truth and life will be breathed back into My earth as only I can do. And there will be My people who will once again, not look at man or look at what man has built, but they will look at Me! So, rejoice as we celebrate the birth of My Son. He is the Lord of My Kingdom! He will guide you into all truth and to My righteous way.”

Would you pray with me? Father, we thank you that you are gracious and merciful. We thank you that you would come and share what is on your heart, even your grief and sadness. We ask your forgiveness Lord, for the times we have offended you. For the times we have discouraged you and chosen to do things our way. That we as your people have sometimes made idols out of those you have positioned over us. That we have looked to them, instead of you. Forgive us for the times we have, as your people have, consciously or unconsciously accepted the applause of man, instead of directing the eyes of man to you. Forgive those who have abused your people, developing toxic environments, that have wounded others and caused many to fall away from you. Be King now in these situations, as you bring your correction and healing, transitioning your people into your Kingdom era.  In Jesus’ name. Amen.

In His Love,


Is It Time To Give Up The Candy? - Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

This week as I spent time with the Lord, I asked him if he had anything for me to share. Nothing particularly was illuminated to me until Tuesday morning, Nov. 28th. The following is the dream I received and share with you for your consideration.

I was a chaperone of a team for a choral competition which included many teams of children and young adults. Each team member wore their perspective t-shirts displaying their group affiliation. I next found myself sitting among a group in a large auditorium observing and listening to the various teams perform their musical numbers. The team I supervised did not perform. I assumed they ran out of time due to the large number of teams, although I sensed all the participants received a piece of candy for their participation at the conclusion.

In the next scene I was pushing an enclosed, moderate size blue cart on rollers, that was used to cart supplies and heavy items for our group. At the close of the competition, everyone exited the arena, silently and respectively walking single file. As we reached outside the auditorium to debrief, our group gathered together. I then lifted the lid of the blue cart wondering what was inside, only to find it filled to the brim with assorted candies and larger lollipops. I was amazed to see the amount of candy relinquished by members of our team. I sensed that members of some of the other teams had also privately and without acknowledgement, deposited their candy in the blue cart. The youth individually surrendered their treat rewards they had received into the blue cart, privately without acknowledgement or fanfare.

Cart – making certain plans, count the cost, preparing for an extended period of hard laborious work before you see the fruits of your labors come to fruition. Putting the cart before the horse.

Blue – the Spirit of Might, Is. 11:2; faith, spiritual communion with God; prophet; Word of God; grace; divine revelation; heaven; spiritual; visitation; Holy Spirit; blessings; healing; life; peace; unity; harmony; tranquility; loyalty; “true blue.”

Candy – profit from labors will bring joy, happiness and special treats or luxuries in life; affluence; admiration; indulgence, sensuality or forbidden pleasure, immaturity, childishness. I Cor. 13:11.

Lollipop – childish indulgences; naïve; refusing to grow up, shirking responsibility; physical experiences and escapades; pun: “sucker,” take caution with relationships and investments.

Team member/group – A group that is organized so they can produce work together, fellow workers.

God is Calling His Body to Maturity ~

We find Paul in 1st Corinthians instructing the Corinthians on the need for unity, reliance upon the Spirit, and the foundations for living as servants of Christ, including communion and the use of spiritual gifts. He continues in chapter 13 where we find his well-known message regarding the excellence of love, concluding with the importance of maturity in verse 11-13.

“When I was a child I used to speak as a child, think as a child, reason as a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then (it will be) face to face; now I know in part, then I will know fully, just as God has fully known me. But for now, three things last - abide trust, hope, love; and the greatest of these is love. Pursue love!” (CJB)

God is bringing a higher level of maturity to those who have chosen to no longer live as a child. They will give up old, learned behaviors and patterns, embracing higher levels of revelation and understanding. They will surrender their personal desires, ambitions and plans, relationships, or affiliations. They will choose to relinquish the need to perform or be rewarded for their service, performance, or notoriety, no longer needing man’s approval. They will refuse to submit to the spirit of competition, quietly and selflessly serving, relinquishing any reward or self-exultation, knowing all sustenance and skill comes from the Father. They quietly and confidently will choose to walk out their journey, confidently and without fanfare, embracing his process for maturity, relying on his Spirit, relinquishing the need for recognition, choosing to lay down their personal indulgences and childish paradigms. They will choose to forsake their personal pleasures as they embrace their calling with humility, practicing forgiveness, becoming repairers of the breach, and walking as vessels of his love. They will desire to be united by his Spirit, as they grow in an intimate, personal relationship with God, walking in his truth and revelation.

The Righteous Reign of the Branch ~ Isaiah 11:1,2

“Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, and a branch from his roots will bear fruit. And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” (NASB)

A blessed Christmas Season and Hanukkuh to you and family,

*Definitions taken from: Dr. Barbie L. Breathitt, A to Z Dream Symbology Dictionary, Breath of the Spirit Ministries, Inc. PO Box 1356, Lake Dallas, Texas, Barbie Breathitt Enterprises, Inc, Canada.

*Scripturesfrom David H. Stern, Complete Jewish Bible,©1998, Messianic Jewish Publishers, Clarksville, MD, Messianic Jewish Resources International,www.messianicjewish.net.

 Spiros Zodiates, TH.D., The Hebrew - Greek Key Study Bible, New American Standard, Red Letter Edition, AMG Publishers, Chattanooga, TN. USA,©1990.



Thanksgiving - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Recently I came across this article, “The Shorter Theology,” by Skip Moen on www.skipmoen.com and I seemed to relate to it, especially during this challenging season. I’ve come to realize when I take time to praise and thank God, I focus less on the negativity in the world. I hope Skip’s thoughts in this article may bring encouragement to you also.

In His Covenant Love,



The Shorter Theology by Dr. Skip Moen, Ph.D.

A psalm of thanksgiving.  Shout joyfully to YHWH, all the land. Psalm 100:1 (Hebrew text numbering)

Thanksgiving – This is a praise song (the meaning to the Greek word psalmoi) of todah (the Hebrew word for thanksgiving).  In English translations, this introductory comment is relegated to tiny type and generally ignored, but in Hebrew it is part of the inspired text.  It can’t be ignored.

Once we see that God intended us to recognize this as a thanksgiving praise, we can understand the context of the entire song.  The word todah also describes a subcategory of the fellowship offering (see Leviticus 7:12-13 and 22:29).  It is related to songs and praises offered in worship (cf. Nehemiah 12:27).  Todah is a big-umbrella word, covering the ground from a worshipper who comes with confession, to the earth itself proclaiming the majesty of the Lord.

Now take a look at the whole Psalm.  Everyone and everything is exhorted to offer thanksgiving to God.  Why?  First, because it is the right thing to do.  It is our duty.  Second, because He made us.  We owe Him a debt of gratitude for the breath we take.  Third, He chose us.  We are His people because He elected us to be His people.  Fourth, because He provides for us out of the bounty of His earth.  Fifth, because He is good.  What goodness really is can be found in Him and in no other.  And finally, because He is merciful.  In this short theology, we see everything we need to know about God.  We are given punctuated expressions of His character and His care.  No wonder David says that we should come before Him joyfully singing His praise.

This psalm is a good antidote for the tendency to see the world from a darkened perspective.  This psalm pushes me out of myopic complaints about a lack of self-fulfillment.  It focuses my attention on the glory of living in a world under His control.  It causes me to lift up my face and see how marvelous life really is.  And most importantly, it calls me to enter into a divine symphony, to sing my part in the pantheon of praise to the Lord of creation.  It is the perfect anti-depressant.

The Bible portrays the enemy of my soul as one who roams the earth, seeking vulnerable prey.  Frankly, nothing makes me more vulnerable to the sin of self-sufficiency than the subtle shift of focus from the glory of God to the plight of Man.  Once I take my eyes off His majesty, life’s problems rush into view, clouding my perspective with ominous portent.  Thanksgiving re-orients my thinking and my behavior.

Are you thankful today that you are alive?  Are you singing God’s praises for exactly where you are on the journey?  Are you shouting joyfully for the breath you take?  Are you rejoicing that He has chosen you, regardless of the circumstances of His current assignment for you?  Are you dancing in His pastures of plenty?  Are you worshipping with gladness?  Well, are you?

Dr. Skip Moen

Dr. Skip Moen, The Shorter Theology, July 18, 2008, https://skipmoen.com/2008/07/the-shorter-theology/. Personal and contact info: https://skipmoen.com/about-skip/, https://skipmoen.com/contact/ .



Our Choices Can Bring Life - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Last week Pastor Becky Maisenbacher shared a wonderful message of how the joy of the Lord is our strength. In Hebrew - joy is the manifestation of divine purpose fulfilled, and since everything in creation has purpose and when any part of creation acts according to its design, that part expresses and experiences joy (gladness). Thank you, Father, that your joy is my strength!

There were a few scriptures highlighted to me, and I have noticed that if I don’t pay attention to them my joy is very challenged! In other words, I become distracted, discouraged, and feel alone.

The culture of the 21st century has caused me to consider one of Paul’s “beware” verses in Colossians 2:8. “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

Jesus also asked us to beware in Matthew 16:6, “Watch out and beware of the leaven (teaching) of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” It seems necessary to pay attention to the paradigms of the world and the church!

In Proverbs 12:15 it says, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a person who listens to advice is wise.” It might be faster and easier to just think the way we want to; however, it is still important to pay attention to others’ opinions and then use discernment. It does not mean we have to agree, but there seems to be an advantage in at least listening to what others may believe around us. It does not say that the wise man gives advice. It says that he listens. Wisdom is knowing how to hear, then sharing what the Lord has given us.

Then in my prayer time I started to focus on the Tree of Knowledge. Genesis 2:16-17, “From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat.  For in the day you eat from it you will surely die.” In Genesis 3:5, “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.

Yada (knowing) in its pictograph is to make the door opening an intimate experience. Yada is making something happen which can be an intimate experience. “I will make a way to open a door of experience for myself.” Why did Eve eat of the tree? She believed it would improve her ability to make decisions on her own. It was good for food, a delight to her eyes, and desirable to make her wise!  She intuitively knows what to do. She can save God some time now that she knows how to do things on her own. She might have thought, “Lord help me to be a little more independent, and self-reliant so I can take care of myself and meet my goals in life so I can worship you more.”

We can make decisions ourselves instead of relying on someone else. The Tree of Knowledge implies I will no longer be dependent on anyone. We begin to see how much the role of our personal desires plays in our determining good and evil. My voice now competes with God’s voice. Now decisions are looked at by what is good for me or bad for me. I can decide between what God asks and what I desire. This may open us up to sin, especially independence, however, God built desire into our hearts. It is not about getting rid of desire. It is learning to listen to God’s voice to direct the passion of our desire.

We know that we have daily decisions to make regarding which tree to have a relationship with. The Tree of Life or The Tree of Knowledge. The Tree of Life centers on knowing God intimately, relationally, and through His written Word. We therefore make decisions knowing His will for us. The other is The Tree of Knowledge and desiring to be independent of God in our decisions regarding good and evil. Obviously having a relationship with the Tree of Life allows us to express our intimate covenant relationship with God through the Holy Spirit!

In HIs Love,


His Joy Is Our Strength - Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

On my first trip to Israel something happened to me. I fell in love with the people and the region. After our return home, it became very apparent I also left a part of my heart there too. From the moment I planted my feet on the soil at the Kibbutz by the Sea of Galilee, peace washed over my soul – I found myself trying to hold back tears – I felt I was “home.”

Watching the news has been challenging. The heaviness of any war can bring intercessors to their knees. The assault on any people desiring to live in peace and celebrate life is tragic. After visiting the middle east, it is evident to me that even though this is a war being fought in the natural – this is a spiritual war.  In this fallen world the battle between light and darkness is ever present. I sought the Lord prayerfully regarding these events. “Lord, please help lift some of the weight of this burden I feel. Help me understand.” The next morning, I awoke to this song in my head: “This is my story, this is my song, praising my savior all the day long, this is my story, this is my song, praising my savior all the day long.”

As I continued to listen, a vision of my mother and grandmother appeared in my mind’s eye. I was reminded of the five years of war they endured with my father overseas – WWII and Korea. How did they survive Lord? How did they endure? The loss of young men no longer working in the fields of their farming community now gone. Father, how do those affected by current events survive the pain, suffering and loss?

In a class with John Paul Jackson several years ago he said: “What you focus on, you make room for.” This statement has been like a barometer – it quietly whispers to check myself when I begin to lose His peace. Where is my focus? What are my expectations? It helps when the dreaded regrets knock at my door, or when fear tries to draw me into the “What ifs?”I was also fortunate to live with my grandmother for a time. She stayed active in her church community, with prayer and night vigils, various gatherings of believers and friends focusing on His word, encouraging one another, weeping together while also finding joyful moments of encouragement and hope. There were many mornings I passed by her Bible opened on the end table by her rocking chair. There was great comfort and a sweet fragrance of joy and peace knowing she had talked with God. “For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for a lifetime; Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning.” Psalm 30:5

Recently I observed an interview from Israel. The gentleman was assigned recovery of the bodies from the recent assault. As he and the reporter stood by the now decimated home, he calmly told the reporter he retrieved over seven hundred bodies including women and children since the attacks. The stunned reporter listened intently, as this fragile-looking man spoke of entering the home and documenting the bodies. God gave him strength and directed him to honor the deceased by offering prayers and then singing and dancing beside them to honor their lives. The reporter was speechless as he declared, “You’re doing God’s work.” At that moment tears filled my eyes, and I was made keenly aware of his belief that all life is precious to God, as each created being fulfills their earthly purpose. God, in the midst of chaos and mayhem, was there with His love. I saw more clearly how in Hebrew, even inanimate objects have human emotions: “The hills clap their hands, The heavens rejoice.”

Then, I heard “Becky, they find joy in Me and My strength.” Father, what does this really mean? Romans 8:28 – And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” In other words, the joy of the Lord is a source of strength that comes from Him, as we trust in His grace and goodness. It is not a feeling of happiness based on our current events or circumstances. It is the result of a deep-rooted faith that God will work all things together for good. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, oh what a foretaste of glory divine, heir of salvation, purchased of God, born of His Spirit, washed in His blood.

We Find Joy in His Strength ~

We are connected to God and loved by Him which gives us the assurance and boldness to approach Him to “find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16. And the grace that He provides is enough for everything in our lives. “And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.” 2nd Corinthians 12:9.

“To each one of us grace has been given.” Ephesians 4:7. His grace is the strength He provides for us. “So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us in His beloved Son.” Ephesians 1:6

“Praise be to the Lord, for he has heard my cry for mercy. The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trust in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my son I praise him. The Lord is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.” Psalms 28:6-8

Our strength comes from God – who made heaven and earth. “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord Who made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1.

The Strength of God is His Grace ~

“To each one of us grace (charis) has been given.” Ephesians 4:7

In the Strong’s Concordance, the definition for Charis 5485 is: Graciousness of manner or act, the divine influences upon the heart and reflection in the life: gratitude, joy literally, pleasure, benefit, favor, gift.

Our strength comes from God – who made heaven and earth.” Psalms 121:1-2.

We Receive Joy and Strength Through Holy Spirit ~

The gift of Joy is found in the Fruit of the Spirit. “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17.

In chapter 8 of Nehemiah, the governor instructed the Hebrews regarding the feasts, along with Ezra and the Levites. The people were sorrowful and weeping that they were unable to align their behavior with the law. Seeing this Nehemiah spoke: “This day is holy to the Lord your God. Do not mourn or weep. Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

We are all far from perfect people, but as His children, we are known to Him. In Luke chapter 15, the stories about sheep, a coin and a son all end in rejoicing. God wants you to know he finds great joy in union or reunion with Him. We are made for union with Him.

We can dig down deep and be filled with joy as we draw water from the wells of salvation, Isaiah 12:3. We recover His joy. We may not understand all that has transpired, but we can be strengthened and regain joy in His love for us and we can then rejoice in His salvation – (being delivered from all forms of evil).

God Wants Your Joy to be Full ~

He is called Jehovah El Sali – the Lord is my strength; God is my rock.

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:11. This is a covenant scripture from a covenant God. We exchange our sorrow for His joy. His joy is in you so your life may be joy-full.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13.

“Consider it all joy (chara G5479), my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4

Richard, enouraged me to also check Dr. Skip Moen’s Hebrew Word Study. In his article Hebrew Joy, June 12, 2019, (https://skipmoen.com/2019/06/hebrew-joy/), he shares that “gladness” in our English dictionary is defined as pleasure or happiness which follows the Greek western thought from Plato or Aristotle. However, he suggests: “This is not so typical in Hebrew.”

In Hebrew thought he adds: “Joy is the manifestation of divine purpose fulfilled, and since everything in creation has purpose, whenever any part of the creation acts according to its design, that part expresses and experiences śimḥâ, (seem-kha’) the Hebrew word for Joy, Gladness.”

In this life we encounter difficult, and sometimes tragic events. We live in a fallen world. There are times when our response to life is not particularly joyful. Dr. Moen continues: “Without minimizing this serious condition (sorrow, struggle, guilt), śimḥâ reminds us that any part of creation presently fulfilling its designed purpose is an expression of joy.”

Have you ever found joy and beauty in raindrops, the lilting song of a bird, watching the clouds roll across an azure sky? Maybe you have rejoiced in a beautiful flower blooming in your garden, or the celebration of the life of a loved one? These events remind us that God has built joy into every part of His creation. I like this statement from Dr. Moen: “Joy is not only communal. It is associative, creative and intentional.”

Joy is God’s gift where we can experience His comforting joy as He works to make the knowledge of Jesus a reality in our hearts. Joy matures in us as we are strengthened in our trust and faithfulness to Him. God designed joy as a fruit of His Spirit so it must be pretty important to Him. He desires for us to sense His joy in our union, reunion and communion with Him. He made us for relationship with Him!

He Strengthens Us With His Joy ~

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Zephaniah 3:17

“You make known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11

We Can Find His Hope In Our Suffering ~

God in His love wraps His arms around His children. His plan for you is victory and redemption through His Son who never waivers.

God has always had victory over evil – Gen. 3:14-15

Our sorrows matter to God – Psalm 56:8

He is our refuge and shelter – Proverbs 18:10

He makes our suffering or pain purposeful – Romans 5:3-5 - Tribulation brings perseverance.

Jesus and Holy Spirit intercede on our behalf – Romans 8:26-27

Any suffering we have will end in joy. Revelation 21:3

His name is Jehovah Shammah. He is there – with His people – ever present with you. In His presence is fullness of joy.

Prayer ~ Thank you Father that you have created us to live, breathe, move and have our being in You. Your name is Peace, Hope, Joy, Mercy, Grace and Love. You are also Almighty God, our Dread Champion and Captain of the Hosts. You are El Shaddai, The God of Might. Your ways are so much higher than ours. Help us to see life in all Your creation as You visit us with Your wisdom and understanding. Teach us the depth of Your ways Lord.

In His Love,











A Time to Celebrate! - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

We have walked through a challenging time of repentance and dealing with our emotions and discouragements during the past few weeks leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles.  The Lord has been right in our midst helping us problem solve and encouraging us to walk with Him and His Word. We are now in the last week of the Feast of Tabernacles where there is rejoicing as we remember His provision and protection! We have not only identified unhealthy belief structures but also the current cultural challenges we may be facing. 

Focusing on a few aspects of this Feast may help us feel like rejoicing. One year has ended, and we can now look forward to this new year. Remembering He is our provision for this next year helps our heart be thankful for all that He has done for us. We have repented of any issues or attitudes that He has brought to our attention so He can bless us this year. Blessing you means “to bring you to full capacity of your destiny.”

Jesus taught during this Feast in John 7:37-39 that He will give us rivers of living water of the Holy Spirit to all who will receive Him as the true tabernacle of God. It is this covenant relationship with Him that brings us life! It is our relationship with Jesus we can celebrate! Also, during this Feast Jesus said in John 8:12 that, “I am the Light of the World. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life.” Both of this statements that Jesus spoke remind us to celebrate!

The Feast of Tabernacles is a time of great thanksgiving when we honor God’s fulfillment of His promises and look forward to the completion of His redemptive purpose. It’s a festival. He is telling us to enjoy Him in this way.

In Hiis Covenant Love,

The Fall Feasts of the Lord - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

We find described in Leviticus 23 God's feasts or His appointed times of celebration and consecration. The Fall Feasts are a season when God wants His people to learn to rest in Him. The Feast of Passover teaches about God's peace. The Feast of Pentecost instructs us on God's power and the Fall Feasts give understanding about God's rest. Even though the days before the Feast of Tabernacles were a time of repentance and reflection, they celebrated the final ingathering of the harvest whereby God blessed the people for the year. The fruit of the land had been reaped, so the people could rest from their harvesting labors. It was a time of great rejoicing! They would celebrate and thank God in advance for the next harvest.

The Fall Feasts emphasized a rest with the Lord; however it did not necessarily mean to literally lay down and do nothing. Rest meant to continue to be intimate with Him, staying involved in the normal work of the Kingdom, while continuing with their occupation, family, study, prayer and ministry.

The dates for this year’s Fall Feasts 2023 are: 

Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets) Beginning of the New Year - September 15 - 17 (Fri. – Sun.)

Days of Awe - Include the 10 days from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) A Day of Fasting - September 24 -25 (Sun. – Mon.)

Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles/Booths – September 29 – October 6 (Fri. – Fri.)

I still believe God is doing many things behind the scenes during this time of transition, restoration and reconciliation. I know during this Fall season God is going to move in a great way, increasing His harvest by transforming His people. This will also automatically have an impact on the seven mountains. I do not know how it will play out, but I believe there is a correction coming to level out the playing field and begin to restore what has been stolen from His people.

We find in John 7:37-38 the words of Jesus included in John’s letter: “Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, ‘ If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’”

Let's celebrate His Fall Feasts and look forward to this New Year as we release His flow of the rivers of living water!

In His Covenant Love,



Connected to God - Energized By His Power: Christy Gilmore

Christy Gilmore

During Sunday worship, August 8th, the Lord gave me a vision of a person who had a circuit board covering the front of their body. I saw Jesus moving the different plates of the circuit to connect where it had been disconnected. I saw Him releasing His power into their body to create a perfect circuit of energy flowing. Then I heard him say, “I’m giving you energy.” I sensed this was literal. His power was being released to the body (both the Body of Christ and into our physical bodies) as well, especially if we are needing it. Who doesn’t need more energy?

A little while later I heard the word “CLEAR!” I saw Jesus shocking hearts. He was bringing them back to life. He was restoring the electrical flow and rhythm. I heard the Spirit remind me that “Staying connected to Him gives us access to his power both working in us and through us.”

The next morning the Lord highlighted John 15:1-11. Let’s look at it together, the words of Jesus:

“(1) I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it, that it may bear more fruit.

(2) You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.

(3) Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me.

(5) I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.

(6) If anyone does not abide in Me,, he is thrown away as a branch, and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

(7) If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it shall be done for you.

(8) By this is My Father glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.

(9) Just as the Father has loved Me. I have also love you; abide in My love.

(10) If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His Love.

(11) These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full (made complete).

Apostle Paul reminds us, as we attach ourselves to Jesus, remaining in His covenantal flow , He will release the fullness of God:

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.” Ephesians 3:20 TPT


Christy and Josh Gilmore

Christy Gilmore is a Christian wife and mother who is passionate about knowing and living for Jesus. She is a licensed minister with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services from Southeastern University. She resides in Lakeland, Florida with her husband, Josh, and their 2 children Lucas and Kate. Christy and her husband serve as worship leaders at The Covenant Center in Lakeland.

Contact: info@thecovenantcenter.com



The Lord Declares: Let My People Go!

As I was worshiping Sunday (8-13-23) at The Covenant Center, glorious praise turned to tranquil meditative worship as we sang of God’s mercy and love. His presence was palpable, when angels began whispering scriptures as His love and peace washed over me: “I will go before you and make the rough places smooth; I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden wealth of secret places, so that you will know that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel who calls you by name.” Then another gently appeared before me like a whisper - “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways…As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

I was then taken in a vision observing the court of Pharaoh where Moses was sent by God to command the release of His people from Egypt. I observed as Moses demanded Pharaoh to let go of His people. God mercifully sent Moses time after time hoping for Pharaoh to acquiesce and release them. However, Pharaoh who saw himself as a god denied their release. I was reminded the Israelites also lived through the ten plagues, praying and trusting God was with them and would deliver them. Like a movie I observed the water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and even heard the cries of people losing their first born. Pharoah stood with contempt at the God of Moses and refused while the people suffered.

As Paul once said, I’m not sure whether “I was in my body or out,” but as I awakened to our meeting, I heard our worship leader say: “Does anyone have a word?” I sat for a moment, reflecting on what I had just experienced, when Holy Spirit directed me to share the following:

“I am a God of mercy. My mercy never fails. I hear the cries of my people. I hear the cries of my people as in the days in Egypt when they were held in bondage. And they grew weary in well doing. I am a God of mercy. Therefore, I am patient and longsuffering. But it is not that I am not moving behind the scenes. For as in those days in Egypt I gave an assignment to my son, Moses, and he approached Pharaoh who had exalted himself above Me. And in my mercy, I came to him multiple times, ten times. What do you think was happening to my people, as I mercifully was hoping for change? They suffered also as My people are suffering now. But it is not that I am not with you. It is not that I have not heard your cries.

There is a somberness in My Spirit for what I am about to do. For again, I am a God who loves. I am a God that desires that no man, no man falls away from Me. But as is the nature of humans, it is not always so. So, you will see in the coming days with your spirit eyes that I am sending as in the days of Pharaoh, (various) plagues. I am sending the heat. I am sending the plagues, the bugs, the pestilence and disease. For I have a desire for people to be free. But also, as my children in Israel that were in bondage in Egypt, they walked through these things with Me. Is it not so that many times they applied the blood to the door posts? They prayed to be passed over when things became dark? And was I not faithful to them to draw them out. How long did it take for Me to do that? I am a merciful God.

But there was a day that my mercy turned to righteous anger. And My son Moses came to the (man called) Pharaoh, and he spoke these words that I now declare in the earth because my anger is aroused and righteous. And those that I have had mercy upon to listen and to change, have not heard My cries. And I say today, LET MY PEOPLE GO! And I say, LET MY NATION GO! LET MY PEOPLE GO! There are (unrighteous) decisions being made. For do you not know that I do visit in dreams. Do you think that I would visit you and not those that are in bondage or those that have unhealthy belief structures or those that would cause evil in my earth? That they would cause evil to My creation? Do you think that I am not aware of that?

But, as you cried out today for Me, I am a God of mercy. I am a God that has been long-suffering. But My long-suffering is coming to an end (for some). So yes, My people are weary. Some of My people are despondent. (I hear their cries) Where are you God? Where are you God? All the cries I also heard in Egypt. But I am there! I am in the midst! I am moving. I am visiting. I am declaring. I am delivering. Ha, ha, ha. I am breaking off the mindsets of those who have exalted idols above Me! I am breaking off the humanistic mindset of man who exalts himself above Me. So, I speak to My precious children today. I know this is hard and I know you’ve become weary. But I AM the breath that you breathe. I AM the refreshing you drink. I AM beside you always, even unto the end. I will be with you, and I will comfort you. I will protect you and I will fight for you.

My plumbline has dropped. But now we are in the process of decision making by many. Who will they choose? What will they choose? Who will they choose? What will they choose? And it is a somber time for Me also. Because it is never pleasant having to bring correction, but it is necessary! So, in your hearts continue to rejoice in Me. And as you see things around you that darken, do not look at the darkness as I have said - LOOK TO ME! Look to me! Look into My face, into My light. Look in the darkness because in the darkness (you will see) I AM shining bright!

Do not be dismayed! Do not be confused. I will be with you always. I hear the cries and your prayers. There are things coming to an end. There are things that will shift. There will be new things that will even begin. But in the midst know that I am with you. PEACE! Peace I speak to you. Know that I love you and watch and see what I am doing in your midst, for I am Jehovah! I am Master of this Universe. And you will see Me bring freedom in this day as I did to My people in Egypt.

So, arise and shine! Arise and shine! Declare to the north and the east and the west and the south – LET MY PEOPLE GO! Let My people go! Let My people go! (I command you) to Let My People Go!”

Let’s pray: Father we praise you for your lovingkindness, your mercy and love. You never leave us and You never forsake us. You are always working on our behalf. Your promises are true and Your actions are planned, methodical and perfect in their time and season. You are never caught by surprise. And now we stand in Your Covenant of Peace, knowing You will move on our behalf.

We remind You of Your words in Exodus 6: 5-7 and we say – “Do it again Lord! Do it again!”

And I have also heard the groaning of the sons of Israel, because the Egyptians are holding them in bondage; and I have remembered My covenant. Say, therefore, to the sons of Israel: I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage. I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God; and you shall know that I am the Lord your God, who brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians.”

In His Love,


Hebraic Hope - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

I had a vision a week ago where we as believers were lined up to enter the fire. We had smiles on our faces and we were looking forward to entering it; even though most of us have felt scorched from the fire and maybe have eliminated the “fire lyrics” from our song list! Upon reflection, I knew this fire was a great thing and we were looking forward to it, so I looked up “fire” with the positive definitions in Barbie Breathitt’s Dream Symbology Dictionary. It said Fire: Holy Spirit – the holiness of God. Cleansing anointing, angels, purification, baptism, passion that burns in one’s heart, love, burns away wood, hay, and stubble, revival, the presence of God, glory, He’s an all-consuming fire. This all represented a relationship with God which was going to bring good things for His body!

Then the Lord highlighted Romans 5:3-5:

“And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”  

Tribulation can mean trouble or pressure (either literally or figuratively). Paul uses the word exult which means to boast in our trouble even though culturally we do not do much of that. However, we probably ask God why He might be punishing us or question His sovereignty. It appears to me that the enemy has battered all of us quite a bit with accusations of “Why is there so much trouble that we are walking through?” Implying it is God’s or our own fault!

Paul then states that trouble brings about perseverance. Paul’s knows affliction from being in the fire (Holy Spirit). We will know Him intimately as we embrace the flames of the Holy Spirit. We do not know what God’s comfort or encouragement will be until we have gone through a few afflictions. We cannot experience perseverance, character, and hope if we run from all our challenges. Those that love Him will have challenges in this world. Perseverance means for us to stay in place. He puts us in a position and asks us to stand…not to surrender ground to the enemy. We stand until God brings reinforcements. He abides with us. He shares the struggle and fight. Without some tests there is no opportunity to succeed.

With proven character that we have walked through, we now have hope. A Greek (Western) definition of hope is that it projects the good I desire into an uncertain future. In the Hebraic (Eastern) hope has a context of trust and it is directly tied to the promises of God. Believers participate in the promises as a community. The future is not up to us alone but encompasses the purpose of the community of believers. My hope is not just up to me. That’s why Paul is able to say: hope does not disappoint. In the Greek view, my future expectations can be disappointed by reality. Hebraically, we can never be disappointed because God will bring us into our destinies.

There is freedom and relief in the Hebraic view of hope. I don’t have to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Paul says this hope cannot disappoint because there is nothing I can do to prevent its arrival. Hope is walking out His covenant with a community of believers embracing the covenant exchange. We give ourselves…. He imparts Himself and His love to us….and we receive all of Him!

In His Covenant Love,


The Heart of Our Heavenly Father - David Weber

How we relate to our earthly father can support or impair our relationship with our heavenly Father. David encourages us to examine and differentiate the two by identifying their characteristics through the lens of covenant. God is emphasizing once again the importance of father figures in preparation for the global release of His Spirit, awakening the hurting, broken, lost and lonely world to His fathomless love. So grab a cup of coffee and savor this message of our Father’s love as He refreshes your soul and spirit. “For you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Ps.139. In His love, Becky

The Heart of Our Heavenly Father by David Weber

David Weber

What a father communicates to his child is critical. No earthly father is perfect but our experience with our own fathers influences our perception of our Heavenly Father.

Our society bears all the wounds of a fatherless culture. The concept of what is a family has been under attack for a generation. The father led family has been under attack fueled by the sexual revolution and government policies that seem compassionate but encouraged the breakup of the nuclear family ie. welfare rules that financially rewarded childbearing only for single parent households. The poor segments of our society in particular have subsequently suffered terribly from fatherlessness as a result. It’s destroyed the family unit.

Married with Children - a Fox media invention was the first blatant portrayal that I became aware of that portrays the father of a TV family as a selfish weak minded fool - the clown of the family. Hollywood and then the internet has used the allure and powerful attraction that sexuality has over people and pounded society with content whose message is that sanctity of the marriage covenant is out of date.

The marriage covenant is the foundation of a civil and functioning society. Fatherhood has been under attack. The messaging is “do whatever feels good to you” - so what if it destroys your covenant with the family. So much for the medias perversion of the concept of Father. Ultimately this is Satan’s attack on the nature and character of our Heavenly Father who is the model of what a father should be.

 I had two very different father experiences growing up. The first was loving affectionate - the second disdainful. My natural father had to bathe and care for me when my Mom was carrying my sister which lead to a close bond. I never doubted that my father loved me unconditionally. It’s not something that a kid thinks about - you just know it. Let me give you an example:

I was probably just old enough to begin learning to form sentences. My father and my uncle and cousin and I climbed into our 1950’s era cream colored Chrysler Imperial and I just assumed my place standing on the bench seat next to my father when he sternly said, “ David get in the backseat” I protested but he repeated it more sternly and I sat in the back, but feeling wounded. I can remember trying to formulate a complete thought in response, working it out slowly in my head as we made our way down the road. Finally, as articulate as I could muster, I announced, “Some day when I get big I’m going to be driving the car and I’m going to make you sit in the back seat.”

My Dad slammed on the brakes - stopped the car. He got out and disappeared around the back of the car barking “David stay in the car!” My uncle and cousin followed him. For many years following I thought that I had crossed some line and Dad was really ticked off at my attitude. But at a family reunion many years later, that cousin recalled the incident and his version was different than mine. He said, “When you were a little kid I remember you mouthing off to your Dad that time and him slamming on the brakes and getting out of the car. I thought oh boy is David going to get it now”  (my uncle could be somewhat harsh). He continued, “When your dad did that I got out of the car with my dad and went back to see what your dad was doing. He was sitting on the bumper laughing hysterically trying not to make any noise putting his finger to his lips, ‘shhhh’ he said to keep us quiet. When he recovered his composure he shook his head and we all got back in the car and started off again.”  I was glad to hear that revision because it just reinforces how much my dad delighted in me.

Regardless of your earthly father experience your Heavenly Father delights in you!

The Book of Proverbs records several chapters of instruction to ‘my son’ indicating a father’s mentoring. That is a fathers function - to mentor his children in Godly wisdom. Many of our fathers failed in this regard. Our Heavenly Father knows that. We know that all wisdom flows from our Heavenly Father. James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” For many believers, how we relate to our heavenly Father is related to our experience with our own father.

For me my father died when I was eight but by that time I had experienced his total acceptance and knew his love for me. By the time he left us he had left me with a sense of my own value and significance. Today I know that my father loved me. However his death at that time left a huge void in me. As much as I had felt that I belonged, I then felt extremely detached and very much alone.

We are social beings and need one another. The loss of my father gave me recurring nightmares of being on a spaceship alone hurtling away from earth into the cold lonely blackness of space. In this nightmare, the more I asserted myself to return, the faster I accelerated away. It was a self reinforcing panic attack in a dream state from which I would awaken so panicked that I was in a state of blindness called blind hysteria.

These episodes would recur and I was terrified to go to sleep for fear of them until one night I laid down and once again sensed that panic like a demonic entity was trying to smother me. I didn’t know much about Jesus or salvation but I had heard about God and He seemed very much like my father. I cried out to Him,“please help me! Don’t let me dream these dreams again.” In my own way I surrendered my life to God  that night telling him that I’d choose to live my life for Him if he would deliver me.

My Heavenly Father took me for my word. Instantly I felt totally relaxed and fell peacefully asleep waking seemingly a moment later, and it was morning. I felt incredibly alive and completely at peace. My Heavenly Father in His mercy had rescued me. Years later I asked the Lord why I never felt that salvation experience that many claim occurs when they know enough to make a commitment to Christ. He brought me back to that experience and showed me that my rescue was my salvation experience.

Regardless of your situation your Heavenly Father hears your desperate cry.

God wasn’t portrayed in the Old Testament as “Father” it wasn’t until Jesus became the son. As we read about Jesus we find what his speech and actions teach us about the nature of His Heavenly Father. He directs us as He did to pray to the Father. He hears the Father and obediently does what the Father is telling Him to do. In everything - even his torture and death experience He has total trust in His Father.

We can also have that kind of trust when we know that He is trustworthy. So many believers today have a hard time relating to Father God because of their earthly experiences with their father.

We, having an understanding of covenant have a better understanding of the greater entity blessing the lessor. It pleases the Father to provide for our good. Often if we’re truthful we wonder if he hears us. If we find ourselves striving to please Him it might be because we are bargaining.

That is natural for us in this world but being transactional with God defies covenant. There is a difference in doing works for God in covenant rather than working for God transactionally. The difference? Motive! Why are we doing it. Are we performing for love or are we performing out of our love and desire to please Him because we know his love? Are we bargaining with God for a blessing afraid that He won’t supply our need?

I guess that that is the whole point of this talk isn’t it. Our Father in heaven will provide as He intends. Do we truly trust Him? Completely? Sometimes I realize that I have to adjust my thinking about this. You know we have nothing of value to God to bargain with. All of our good works mean nothing if we present them in the context of a trade for what we are asking for. Often people don't realize it but they are bargaining with God instead of understanding that he has already provided everything we only need to ask.

Coming to Him thinking that our good works approve us will achieve nothing because “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” So our approach should be to come with empty hands. Yes we give tithes and offerings but we give them to those on earth and in our giving the father does bless us. I love what Skip Moen related in the beatitudes: “In essence, we come to the father naked and penniless and he clothes us and blesses us.”

My understanding has come to the fact that Our Father in Heaven owes us nothing but willingly gives us everything if we come in humility and faith. For me Faith is my trust in my Heavenly Father’s intent to love and bless me. That causes me to want to be with Him. To not be separated from Him. Christ on the cross cried out “Father why have you forsaken me?” He was so used to the intimacy continually with him that the Father’s absence was probably a shock to Him. I believe that our faith grows equally with our revelation of the Fathers ‘Hesed’ loving-kindness nature - His kind intention towards us. Do we believe it?

So what if I sin? I come to Him in truthful repentance and “He is faithful and just to forgive me my sin and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness.” He not only forgives and never begrudgingly but he cleans me up too. He does it willingly lovingly because He is passionate for me (and for you).

So how do you feel when you approach the throne of the father?

Really the Holy Spirit is the presence of the Father in us. When you think of the Father does it fill you with joy or with fear, dread, even resentment?

Our thinking - our thought life even if we are not aware of it directs our actions, and our experiences can direct our attitudes. A lot of what I’ve been taught in the church is not accurate or focuses on the negative aspects - what’s wrong and its wrong about us. ‘God loves you’ is often said but not always felt. What do we believe about how the father sees us. If we know that He values us, we will value ourselves and value others too. The joy of our salvation is that we can be free - free to worship in spirit and in the truth of who our Heavenly Father really is!

So how do we approach the Father?

Psalms 100:4 says “enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” A heart of thankfulness demonstrates our humility. The Father gives grace to the humble. Thankfulness is a key to the throne room and intimacy with our heavenly Father.

The first commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind, however, I believe that is not possible until we begin to have a revelation of the love of God, and that is not possible if we have held a distorted view of our heavenly Father’s heart towards us. He loves us as no earthly father could. Until we begin to see how He loves us we will either try to work for His approval or feel aloof and abandoned. But His love is perfect and never fails.

Prayer: Father God reveal your true nature to us and help us erase our preconceptions of who you truly are. We wish to be as intimate with you as you desire to be with us. We come before you with great thankfulness for your tender mercies and kindness that we even have the opportunity to know you. We owe everything to you and to your Son our lord and savior Jesus Christ. 

David Weber - is a mainstay in the Central Florida blueberry industry, with a Bachelor’s degree in botany from Florida Atlantic University and his Master’s from the University of Florida in Nematology. He worked exclusively in the Ag industry –managing the UF Extension Nematology Lab and later with Ciba Geigy Ag Chemicals– before starting his own company, The Doc Applications, Inc., in the 1980s. The acre he planted in the late ‘80s has grown to 31 acres, and he’s continued to strive for innovation. David is a long term member of Morningstar KBA - Kingdom Business Association. He believes strongly in Marketplace Ministry and is a two year participant of Morningstar’s prophetic ministry. He is an ordained minister with The Covenant Center.

Contact - info@thecovenantcenter.com

We Are His Living Stones - Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

At the end of June, we celebrated our 25th year of being in ministry as The Covenant Center in Lakeland Florida! I want to thank everyone who has participated and supported this work and ministry. We, with David and Elizabeth Weber’s help, built a stone prayer wall where we can add written prayers much like standing at the Temple Wall in Jerusalem.

In doing a little research regarding the number 25, (with Barbie Breathitt’s Dream Dictionary), it seems significant particularly for this new chapter. There are four meanings: 1) Forgiveness of sin; 2) Beginning of Ministry Training; 3) Essence of Grace; 4) Visions.

Here is some insight that may pertain to The Covenant Center:

1)    Obviously, it is difficult to move forward if we have not completely forgiven others, including ourselves. It is also important not to embrace shame for those things we may harbored that God has said He has already forgiven.

2)    It took us 25 years to establish the foundation of what God wanted to do here and now we can walk into the ministry training that He desires for The Covenant Center family.

3)    We need God’s grace (Him doing for us that we cannot do for ourselves) to continue to encompass all that we do.

4)    We need to continue to see in the form of visions and hear what He is doing next so we can be directed by Him.

We also wanted to understand and emphasize the importance of us being living stones as expressed in 1 Peter 2:4-5: “And coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected by men, but choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

We as living stones are being built up as a spiritual house. The Master Builder (Chief Cornerstone) is doing the work. We are part of the construction project. To build with living stones He chips away, cuts and polishes, by using a wet saw, a chisel, and a griding wheel so He can make us into the shape we need to be. Then we are cemented next to each other in His covenant.

Now sometimes we act like the builder and try to make the other stones fit, but we should say “Put me where you want me to be,” and He does the rest. We now offer up spiritual sacrifices instead of animals on an altar, that may appear in the form of prayers, praise, good works by faith, love, the glory of God or acts of kindness all led by the Spirit of God.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing.” We are not constructing our own building but are building up one another. We are builders with other living stones - with believers whose lives we affect. Since each of us has a responsibility to be builders of each other, everyone in the community contributes to the houses of each other. No person builds their own house. We need each other to be built up. Each person brings a different skill to the project. Each person is unique and important. Living stones work together to bless each other with their gifts, as the Spirit works through each of us building a community /house that is pleasing to Him.

Thank You Father for developing beautiful living stones in this spiritual house!

In His Covenant Love,


Throw Them A Lifeline & Deep Waters Ahead! - Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

I am always in awe and wonder how God desires to speak to us, especially through dreams and visions. June has been a very active month as God is releasing dreams and understanding. The two following dreams may give you insight as He continues to reveal His guidance and direction.

Recently, as I awakened, still in that peaceful twilight, I found myself on a large ship, standing on the upper deck enjoying the breeze and beauty of the deep blue sea, when I heard a loud voice blaring  over the speakers from the captain’s pilothouse of the ship yelling: “Throw them a lifeline. Throw them a lifeline!” I immediately ran to the life preservers, like the older models of red and white, and I threw a line out as hard and far as I could throw. As I looked down over the railing of the deck to see where it landed, I was stunned, seeing a multitude of people struggling in the water, crying out for help. The cry and needs were overwhelming as I thought, “There are more here than I can manage – Lord, send help!” As the cries continued, I began to see more passengers arrive on deck as they also began to throw out lifelines to those overboard.

Let’s look at the symbolism of this dream:

Ocean – large groups, humanity or nations of people ~

Ocean Liner – very large, mission-minded church impacting large groups of people ~

 Lifeline – a lifeline indicates someone is in need of immediate help; someone needs to be
                rescued. Look to God for wisdom to help deliver the person from life threatening
                situations. (Dream Symbology Dictionary, Dr. Barbie Breathitt, Breath of the Spirit Ministries)

                A line used to keep contact with a person in a dangerous or potentially dangerous situation:
               something regarded as indispensable for the maintaining or protection of life.

Next, I saw a vision where Jesus was going through all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.

“Seeing the crowds, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.’” Matthew 9:35-36.

I believe this is a clarion call for His people to arise to even a higher level of service and revelation, to see with spirit eyes as we scan the horizon the multitudes who are in need. There are those who are drowning and lost in the sea of humanity, lonely, fearful, anxious, hungry, suicidal, confused and distressed. The “Captain” is calling on all passengers of His ship to see those in need and take action . He is reminding those aboard to “Throw a lifeline to those around you who may be drowning.” Please consider throwing a lifeline to those He may reveal who cross your path. No action is too small. Jesus taught that even the smallest gift as giving a cup of water would be rewarded.

You carry the ability to release the gift of love and life to a wounded and hurting world. It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. A simple cup of water, a kind note or word of encouragement, a listening ear, guidance, assistance with food, gas or even shelter, and of course Jesus. Listen to your Captain’s voice and He will show you where to throw the line and to whom, and you will touch a world, one person at a time, in His name. The life preservers are positioned and ready!

In the second dream, Richard and I were preparing to go scuba diving with a personal friend named Marcus. I tried on Richard’s suit and to my surprise it fit. So Richard and I purchased a suit for me and we were ready to descend into the deep waters with Marcus. I remember being a bit nervous thinking of going underwater with the sea creatures, praying that I would stay calm as we dove into the deep, not knowing what we would experience.

Again, let’s view the referenced symbolism here:

Scuba Diving - The deep of God is calling to the deep within you; things in your subconscious are trying to come to the surface, exploration and new personal depth.

Marcus: Is the name for Mark meaning - “Servant of God.” John 4:24 - God is spirit and those who worship him will worship him in spirit and in truth.

Psalm 42:7 - Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls; All Your breakers and Your waves have passed over me. The Lord will send His goodness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night,
a prayer to the God of my life.

The Spirit of God desires to reach deep into the spirit of His children, bypassing all that which would attempt to impede that precious communion, intimacy and fellowship He so passionately desires to have with each of us. He desires to take you deeper into His revelatory realm giving you greater wisdom, guidance and understanding as He reveals more of Himself and His ways. God desires relationship with you! Let’s prepare to launch out into the deep.

In His Love,




The Best Offense Is A Good Defense

As I was in prayer last week, I heard the word “defense.” Then I heard the adage, “the best offense is a good defense.” I immediately thought of the verse in Ephesians 6:11, “Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.” I immediately thought that the body of Christ has been so discouraged lately that we have been fighting offensively through the weapons of prayer, praise, teaching, and the words of our testimony and these are all great. However, I thought maybe we needed a review of the “so called” defensive armor.

In this wrestling match with the enemy, we must be armed with God’s armor: 1. The belt of truth 2. The breastplate of righteousness 3. The shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace 4. The shield of faith 5. The helmet of salvation 6. The sword of the Spirit.

As I began to focus on the Lord’s armor, I also started to see an offensive side. This is the Lord’s battle and because we are in covenant with Him, we represent Him on earth. We are familiar using language like being filled with Holy Spirit and sensing or seeing or hearing the Spirit speak on the inside of us. I am not sure we have fully embraced His armor being a new set of clothing on the outside and being “covered” in the Spirit. Paul even mentioned “putting on the new man.” We may tend to have a private experience with the Lord as a Greek/Western concept, however, the Hebraic is also acting out the Spirit so that others can see the change in our clothing.

We put on the whole armor of God and begin to walk out His truth (reality), righteousness (that which conforms to the revealed will of God), preparation of the gospel of peace (scripture that produces peace of heart and mind as it is acted out), faith (hearing, believing, and obeying), salvation (deliverance from all forms of evil), and the Spirit (the Word of God).

In Ephesians 6:13 it says, “…and having done everything, to stand firm.” Paul says to put on the whole armor and do everything necessary. In other words, hold the ground that God wins. Do not retreat. God will engage the enemy, but we must be ready to hold the line. Standing firm sounds like we are on the defense; however, when we put on the whole armor and actively engage on the outside, the armor becomes powerful and active.

 Yes, let’s continue to be active offensively when God directs us, however putting on His whole armor may also have some “offensive” direction as we stand firm and hold His ground!

In His Covenant Love,



Heart Matters by Pat Stark

It’s a pleasure to share the following teaching by Pat Stark which was streamed on Mother’s Day from The Covenant Center. As she invites us to look at the wounded places in our hearts that may block God’s River of Life, we learn “we are all unable to live our lives from the heart in a healthy way without our living from Christ in us.” Our insufficiency or weakness in the world is often seen as inability, but in His kingdom it is viewed as surrender that transforms into strength.

Pat reminds us that God is a nurturer and we are also meant to nurturer with Him. Life is sometimes messy and we all fall short at times. However, when we become aware of the voices of darkness that we have accepted from our youth, life and joy will spring forth and we will become aware more fully that in Him we live, move and have our being. Acts 17:28 declares: “For in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, ‘For we also are His descendants.”

In His Love, Becky


Heart Matters by Pat Stark

We can’t give what we don’t have!

That’s why inner emotional healing is so important. Look at our childhoods… Too often our physical needs were taken care of, but there was not much nurturing of our hearts, or perhaps there was even shaming that happened to us instead.

That shaming sometimes comes with words. Words like, “What is wrong with you?” “That’s so stupid!” “I can’t believe you did that!” Or maybe there were “unspoken words” directed toward us that came in the form of a sigh or look of disgust. Unfortunately, all that brought us a “message,” we received deeply in our hearts about ourselves. And if it happened often, that message was reinforced many times over, building a stronghold deep within us.

Sadly, the message we received, we don’t often remember with our brain; but it is one that is imprinted deeply on our hearts, even if we don’t consciously remember it. “As a man thinks within his heart so is he,” Proverbs tells us.

Those messages had words like: “I don’t matter.” “I don’t measure up.” “I’m a mistake.” “I’m a disappointment.” “I’m a failure”, and others. We all have our own version. Those were deceitful, lying messages that gave us a false identity at the core of our being. They were locked deeply inside, many times hidden even from ourselves, except we live out of them every day of our lives. Those messages can cause us to either shrink back and refuse to risk or try to prove ourselves through our performance.

Our minds and bodies can be taught many things, but our hearts often feel disconnected and alone. Then, we can have a difficult time connecting with our own true selves or knowing what is really going on within us, or connecting with God as a loving Father, or deeply connecting with others, causing us to often feel rejected. We also can try to over-connect with others to get our previously unmet needs met. We often give our hands in service without ever giving our hearts and then we wonder why people don’t respond. We do good things but never have heart connection.

God is a Nurturer

God is a nurturer, and we are meant to be nurturers with Him. Look at all living things. An orange tree for example. If it is nurtured with water, fertilizer and sunshine it can produce sweet, beautiful, juicy oranges. But if neglected, even if fruit appears at all, the oranges can taste very sour.

Families grow healthy with nurturing and connection from the heart. Marriages and relationships grow healthy with nurturing and connection from the heart. Otherwise, we can still feel very lonely in a family. Why? There is often no heart connection, even when everyone seemingly gets along on the surface.

Example ~ I’ve seen many marriages through the years where one of the partners thought everything was fine and then all of a sudden, the other wants a divorce. Why? There was usually no real heart connection, no nurturing of the marriage. We all long to be known and seen, and accepted, not just tolerated.

We have all failed in valuing and hearing the other well; as we all have felt we were failed by others in our own lives. That’s why heart forgiveness is so important or resentment builds. Learning to accept God’s forgiveness and forgiving ourselves where we have failed others, and yes, sometimes even forgiving God when we feel he wasn’t there for us in the way we desired in certain circumstances is an important practice. The more we face our own failings and forgive ourselves, the easier it is to forgive others for their failures. Even with our best intentions, in our own humanity, we have often made a mess! 

We have all come short in our humanity! Coming short often feels like a shame thing, but it is really a human thing. As long as we see our failures as shame, we will try to hide, fix or cover over our emotions. But as we own our mess, our humanity, our legitimate shame, our failures, like how we have hurt or failed another, we can honestly meet Jesus there lovingly offering us forgiveness. That is “clean” and restorative,

instead of hiding it or covering it over with false spirituality. As we humbly embrace how easy it is for us to mess up, we become truly desperate for Jesus to walk with us, to heal and rebuild.

When We are Weak He is Strong

We are meant to embrace our weakness, but most people I’ve spoken with hate weakness. It feels uncomfortable, but it is a path to victory. From 2 Corinthians, we learn it is also a path to freedom. Paul tells us, “If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness,” 2 Corinthians 11:30.

Again, we learn from Paul, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in your weakness.Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses …so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong,” 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 NIV.

“For to be sure, Jesus was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God’s power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God’s power we will live with him….” 2 Corinthians 13:4 NIV.

Sadly, it too often takes difficult and painful circumstances for us to begin to face ourselves honestly. And although the enemy wants to destroy us through difficult circumstances, God wants to actually bring healing to deeper places within us through them.

From Isaiah 30: “The Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!”

“Although the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction your teachers will be hidden no more; with your own eyes you will see them. Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Then you will desecrate your idols (or the false systems we have trusted in to make life work our own way)you will throw them away …”

“He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows. The moon will shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days, when the Lord binds up the bruises of his people and heals the wounds he inflicted.”

Trials Bring Perspective of Our Need For Him

In reality, we are ALL unable to live our lives from the heart in a healthy way without our living from CHRIST IN US.  Sadly, we can know this spiritually, but what is the fruit of our lives revealing? Our fruit reveals where we really are and where we are stuck. For example, in our relationships, how do we respond when things do not go well? When we listen to the News? What is our reaction? When we feel powerless in a situation or when it’s unfair — what is our response? Jesus said, “By their fruit you shall know them.” Is our fruit, harshness, anxiety, short temper, fear, anger?  Do we avoid uncomfortable situations? Escape?

We all come short, we are all a mess but that’s not shame, it’s our humanity. It is the way we were designed to recognize our need for Jesus’ life in us. It is meant to drive us to Jesus in surrender, allowing Him to live His life in us and through us in greater measure than ever before.  WE ALL NEED JESUS MORE THAN WE HAVE EVER KNOWN!

Pat Stark is the author of Born to Fly: Pursuing the Life You Were Meant to Live…Free; Lost Heart: A Guide to Living From Your Heart in a Broken World, and The Story of Life: The Life We All Try to Find,” available on Amazon, as well as The Covenant Center bookstore. Her message brings freedom and hope in the midst of a world of uncertainty. Her desire is to see people restored to who they were originally created to be before they were wounded by the hurts of life. She is gifted in dealing with root issues lying beneath the surface that have kept people trapped and unable to experience true freedom. Pat has worked with people for over 40 years in the area of deep spiritual and emotional healing. She is an ordained minister through The Covenant Center, Lakeland, Florida.

Contact: info@thecovenantcenter.com

Pentecost/Shavuot: Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Fifty days after Passover, the Apostle Paul planned his travels so he could be in Jerusalem during Shavuot. It was to celebrate God’s faithfulness with the early wheat harvest (early First Fruits offering), which increased the hopefulness for a fall harvest (Sukkot). Later, the Rabbis while searching for historical facts discovered that around the same time during Shavuot, Moses came to Mount Sinai and was given the Law.

The Jews celebrated Shavuot when they received the Torah from God in Exodus 20. The presence and the revelation of God appeared on top of the mountain in the form of fire. Torah or the Word of God was then given to them on tablets of stone. This year in 2023 Shavuot is celebrated on May 25th to the 27th.

Pentecost is a Feast of the Lord recognized by believers on Sunday, May 25, which is mentioned in Acts 2:1. In Acts 2, the presence of God fell upon the believers with tongues of fire as they began to speak in the native language of those who were listening. In the book of Jeremiah 31, he prophesied that the Spirit of God would come upon the believers and the Torah would be written on their hearts, rather than on tablets of stone.

We look forward to celebrating this Feast with joy and thanksgiving! He has given us His written Word and continues to write His Word upon our hearts. We are in covenant with Him and blessed to have the opportunity to be intimate with Holy Spirit and communicate in many various ways! This is a time to saturate ourselves with His Word (Law) and Spirit (prayer) as we expect a fresh outpouring of His Spirit to do great and mighty things in His Kingdom during the next several months. This is a new season and era! Let us rejoice!

In His Covenant Love,


"It's Always Something!" - Becky Maisenbacher

It’s always something,” declared Countess Violet Crawley, portrayed by Maggie Smith on Downton Abbey. I came to attention in my chair as I heard the exasperation with life and the calamities written into the shows dialogue. I thought – “Yes! That’s so true! And even those who seem to have it all, still have trials – no one is exempt. God, why is life so hard?” As I whispered this, I knew the answer immediately – “We live in a fallen world;” however, I still envisioned and longed for that peaceful meandering, gentle and effortlessly flowing river of life.

Life! It can be beautiful, joyous, adventurous, fulfilling and also messy, painful, disappointing, and chaotic. Even in scripture the psalmist cried out in his trouble: “Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me.” Psalm 42:7. In his pain he cried out for deliverance and relief from his despair: “Why have you forgotten me – why do I mourn?” vs. 9. This woeful song concludes, despite all the pain and suffering, the bottom line is: “Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him.”

Challenges and pain are no respecter of persons. When we reflect on the billions of people who have walked this earth and faced their personal daily challenges and loss, we realize we are not alone. The author of Ecclesiastes lamented: That which has been is that which will be, and that which has been done is that which will be done. So, there is nothing new under the sun.” (1:9). The solution by this author, some who suggest it is Solomon, after trying wisdom, pleasure, human achievement and riches – all resulted in emptiness with happiness only being found when we revere God as the center of our lives. Just like our forefathers we prayerfully hope for guidance by Holy Spirit to move us toward revelation and truth to live well. Even in our pursuit of intimacy with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, we realize, there is always more to learn.

When we look at Paul the apostle of Christ, we find in his second letter to the Church at Corinth, he was distressed, emotionally charged with suffering and frustrations, as well as discouragement; some scholars even suggest“defensiveness,” as he was plagued with criticism, slander, misunderstandings, prison, health challenges and the thorn in his flesh. This epistle is considered the least doctrinal of his writings. We find him more transparent and personal as he endured attacks, slander and discouragement. He poured himself out to the church, only to still battle pockets of aggression, criticism, and personal loss. Maybe you can identify with him. He must have wondered at some point, “Have I wasted my life on an illusion? Was this all for nothing?”

Despite the challenges, Paul begins his letter in chapter one, with an upbeat greeting and revelation from his hardship to encourage those who have been questioning: “Why me God?”

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort (encourage, exhort toward virtue); who comforts us in all our affliction so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction (distress, being crushed) with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the suffering (hardship, emotional pain) of Christ are ours in abundance (excess), so also our comfort (consolation) is abundant through Christ, (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

 Paul continues in verse 6: But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer (experience evil). Paul reminds us that there is hope in our pain; that we may mature and grow in compassion to serve and minister to others in distress.

 This can be a very hard pill to swallow especially after personal loss; and I’ve needed to remind myself many times: “Is this not what I signed up for? It’s easy in those sweet, innocent, peaceful moments when we tenderly whisper to him: “I love you. Use me Lord. I want to serve you Father.” We give ourselves to him not always realizing or being instructed that we are aligning with Jesus and his words found in Luke 22:42,“Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” We also learn to identify with Jesus in his suffering found in Philippians 3:10: “that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”

In spite of the hardship, Paul’s words and journey brought encouragement to the Corinthians and still today give strength to the weary to not relinquish hope; to look to the Godhead and remain loyal to Christ and not to our human desires or personalities. Let us choose to strengthen one another and declare like Paul at Philippi that through joy as well as sorrow, we will: …press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14). This is a worthy path of life.

Let’s pray ~

Father, you are so majestic, omnipotent and omniscient . It is difficult to comprehend the vastness of your ways. We love you and thank you for your mercy, your grace and loving kindness we receive daily. Our deep desire is to know you and to have communion with you. Help us to comprehend the depth of your love and desire to speak to us, guide us and bring healing to those places in our heart that seem too deep and painful to heal. Come as Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, and repair the breaches received from this earthly life. Your wisdom confounds the wise. You declare we are blessed when we are poor in spirit; blessed when we mourn; blessed in meekness as we hunger and thirst for you and your truth; blessed as we release mercy and peace to those who despitefully use us; you cause us to become pure in heart and strengthen us in your joy; so we humble ourselves before you and say: “Come Lord now. Reveal yourself to us and heal your people,” in Jesus’ name.

In His Love,

I'm Going To Do A New Thing: Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

After a time of teaching and prophetic lab training with Don Franklin this March 2023, he called for those desiring prayer and personal ministry. Many were touched and encouraged as Don spoke a revelatory word of life and encouragement to each person while Bonnie worshiped and interceded. At the end of this special evening, Bonnie and Don both shared a word of encouragement and guidance to Becky and I as well as our TCC family and friends. Even though some of this appears as a very personal word, please know we all are standing today because of your love and support. Because you acknowledged and chose to align with us and the vision our Father placed in our hearts. So, I wanted to share this with you as we say “Thank you” for being a part of The Covenant Center family, and standing with us all these years. As we look to the future, entering a new era and the 25th anniversary year of The Center, we thank our Father for His grace and faithfulness - and again we thank you! God bless you and keep you always, Richard

Don and Bonnie Franklin - www.franklinministries.org

Bonnie - Father God, I thank you for these friends. Brother and Sister who have been more faithful than natural brothers and sisters on this earth. Who have been more faithful than any other Pastor in the city or even in this nation. Faithful to you, faithful to the call upon their life. Faithful, faithful, faithful to the blueprint that you have placed within their hearts and their spirits of how to form a church and a congregation. How do you think it was when the Lord Jesus sat down with different ones and had the fish around the fire. He was not standing up in the priestly robe, was he not? But he was their counselor. He was their friend. He was a father. He was a brother. In this you have been the example in the body of Christ of how to be a family. Of how to be led of the Spirit. Of how to use the wisdom of the Godhead.

But most of all, that companionship, that friendship, that loyalty and trust and love. The welcoming in of the unlovely at times. They are not shooing the beggars away, but are feeding them, clothing them, helping them. Do the scriptures not say? Did you not bring me drink when I was thirsty, to visit me when I was in the prison? These folks have. They have fulfilled scriptures. And the blessing of God is upon their house, their family, their generations. The blessing of God is in your midst this day. What you have prayed for you are seeing being fulfilled. What you have prayed for you are seeing being fulfilled! What you prayed for you are seeing fulfilled! Hallelujah! Your God has heard, and He has answered! And the blessings of the storehouse are coming in.


Don – Every son or daughter that the Father sees he corrects, he chastises, he prunes. The pruning has been hard on the house. There’s been a pruning, a chastising, a correcting says God. But now comes the growth. Now comes the influx. Now comes the new wine. Now comes the new vine. Now comes the fruit of your labor. It’s not over. It’s not over. God says the only reason I prune is so there will be great fruit. And there will be great fruit coming up out of this house. There is a new anointing starting. There is a new flow coming into this house. A new mantle, a new wave, a new understanding of how to do the things that God requires.

There is going to be a very, very, very, strong emphasis on prayer. There has been an emphasis in the past, but this one is going to be different. There is going to be a rolling forth out of this house of hours and hours and hours of prayer and tongues. The perfect language of God, where you cry out to God in the Spirit and it gets stronger and stronger. And there is no more guessing and no more supposing. There is no more wishing or hoping or mental dreaming. There is just the power and the anointing of the Holy Ghost beginning to roll in a new way. A new way in this house. There is a new beginning happening. There is a new understanding coming. There is a depth. You have been crying for understanding, crying for a depth, crying for a change. God said I’m granting it. I am granting it. It is going to start small. But you’re going to notice the difference.

And there is going to be a flow in this house that hasn’t been here. Not because you’ve done anything wrong, but because you weren’t ready yet. You are ready now. You are ready saith God for what I am going to do! You’ve been chastised, you’ve been cut back, you’ve been prepared to handle that which I am going to put upon you. Hallelujah. It’s wonderful. It’s glorious. It’s glorious, glorious. You’re not even going to be able to speak about it, it is so marvelous. You’ll look at each other and just smile. You’ll say oh my gosh I can’t believe this. You’ve been planting for years. You’ve been sowing for years. You’ve been working for years. I won’t leave you without a harvest and fruit. You’re going to have that which you have labored for. Before you close your eyes, you will see it. And you will go with a smile on your face, and a joy in your heart and a knowing that you have accomplished everything God has sent you out to do, even though it was severely hard at times.

You’ve been tested. You’ve have tried to raise up a house of prophets. Are you crazy? Do you think the enemy is going to let that go? When you’ve got everyone in the house prophesying? Learning, making mistakes, but growing? Repenting and going deeper? Huh! You couldn’t have hung a bigger target on your back! He hates the prophetic. He absolutely despises the prophetic! But I don’t. God says I love it. My son was a prophet. The greatest leaders in scripture were prophets. I thought so much of prophets I put them over my people. They didn’t get a king until they totally disobeyed. Prophets led the nation. Prophets judged the nation. Do you know why? Because they only see black or white. They will keep the nation clean. You can’t have them sheep. That’s a Malachite sheep, get them out of here. They belong to the devil. Yeah, but the people want them. Baloney! You get Israeli sheep, or you don’t get any. You keep this nation clean.

Prophets can’t tolerate a Malachite sheep in the house. And that’s when my anointing can fall. That’s when I can bless. That’s when I can consume the sacrifice placed on the altar, when the house is right. I will not bless a Malachite sheep. And when you got a couple of Malachite sheep hanging around, it’s difficult to receive all that I want to pour in. But God says this house is right. This house is headed for a major encounter with the Almighty. The Spirit will fall here and there will be meetings that will go on for hours and hours and hours as the Holy Ghost lingers and finds great pleasure in the house that He’s in. It is not over. You’ve been faithful, you’re weary. Many people are weary, but the strengthening power of God, the peace of God will come, and the joy of God will sustain you. Well done thy good and faithful servants. You will be honored before this is all over. There will be great honor coming to you and to your house. Amen.

Don Franklin was born into the gifts of the Spirit in the Catholic Charismatic prayer meetings of the 1970s. As a pastor on staff with Teen Challenge Ministries, Don was offered the directorship but instead felt called to attend bible college. Upon graduation from Southeastern University with a Pastoral Theology degree, he settled in Lakeland, Florida with his wife and co-intercessor, Bonnie. They went on to lead prophetic intercessory prayer meetings in Carpenters Home, Ignited Church and The Covenant Center for two decades. 

Don has taken multiple ministry trips over the years within Germany, Belgium, Turkey, Italy and Israel imparting life and power in the Spirit through prophetic ministry, teaching and intercession. He has ministered in Pentecostal theological seminaries in Germany and Brussels, and was honored to address the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus on several occasions. His meetings bring timely words from the Lord for the body with teaching on historical and biblical events as they relate to modern day unfolding of events. In prophetic teaching, Don conveys what he’s learned in the Spirit with clarity and historical insight.

It is his prayer that America continues to be the land known for sharing the gospel of Christ around the world. His heart’s cry is for the mantle that rested upon our Founding Fathers be resurrected within patriotic hearts across the land of the red, white and blue; his prayer is for America to remain a safe haven for those who believe and trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob for generations to come. 

Don is available for speaking engagements. You can contact him and also reserve a copy of his soon to be released prophetic book, “The Destiny of America & Her Sons,” through his email address.

Bonnie Franklin ministers in music flowing in the song of the Lord, prophecy, and prayers during times of prophetic worship before the Lord’s throne. She sings to the Lord and lets the people listen in. Sometimes in worship, it is as if the Lord and his angels come down into the garden to listen, as well. During services, Bonnie ministers along with her husband prophetically and in intercession.

Contact: info@thecovenantcenter.com

My Heart Beats For My People!: Becky Maisenbacher

Rebecca Maisenbacher

During a sweet time of praise and worship on Feb. 26, 2023, Shane Butler released a spirit word in tongues, calling for Holy Spirit to come with revelation and encouragement. The meeting room quieted as he called for anyone to bring the interpretation for those in attendance to hear and weigh. As I looked around the room, waiting quietly for someone to arise to the front, I began to sensed a very heavy weight-like presence and realized it was for me to share. The following is the transcription of this gentle, loving and precious visitation from Holy Spirit.. How sweet it is when He comes with edification, comfort and guidance. In His Love, Becky

(Becky) I stand here sometimes with (some) trepidation, for the things I hear for our community. It makes it difficult as one of the founders to not look manipulative, because that is one thing the Lord has said that He has had enough in His body of manipulation. The Lord has been speaking to me recently because I have been asking Him about the future development of The Center. And He said: You know I placed a dream in your heart, I placed a vision for the earth and for My people, and I said, “Is there anyone in the earth that will take this plan and plant it?” and He looked to and fro. And there were some that started and some that said, “This is too much for me.” And so, the vision and the dream was passed, and it landed in the hands of this family. And this family said, “Yes, Lord, we will do it. We will try.” Because I’ve called you to be a family. I’ve called you to be multicultural. I’ve called you to be multi-generational. I’ve called you to be a Training Center- a Healing Center. I’ve called you to be strategically placed. And you’ve asked over and over, Lord, what could be so strategic about this family?

But I say to you, you yoked yourself together and you stood. And you have passed the test that I have given to you to see if I could find you faithful. And in the development, there have been some that would come, some that would go, because that’s also been the plan. You see the government of My House, the Church at large, has developed into a place that holds My people and does not free them to do what I have called them to do. So, I searched for a place where I could deposit My Spirit, where I could have a visitation in the house that would be forever, so I could teach My people, so I could develop My people, so I could put a dream in their heart and a vision in their mind to go forth for My kingdom. And many have come broken and many have come dismayed, and many have come from toxic environments, where they said: “I don’t even know if I want to do this anymore Lord.”

But I made you a place of healing. I made you a place of praise and worship. I told you I would send the worshipers. I told you I would send the musicians. I told you I would expand you. I told you to be patient. And I have sent the dancers, the clappers, the musicians, the praisers, the artists – I’ve sent the intercessors. I have sent the prophets; I have sent the apostles. I told you there would always be the five-fold ministry in this house.  That it would stay, and it would stand. I have sent the drummers. I have sent the bassist who sits in the belly of this organized miracle, they beat the drum with the rhythm of My life, that I pour into this Center to release to the nations. Because I’ve called you to the nations. And I’ve told you recently – there is expansion – there is expansion – and I have said, “Don’t look at expansion by numbers. Just look to Me to see what I will expand, because My heart has never been about numbers; My heart has never been about buildings – My heart beats for My people! This is about My people. And I have found you faithful with those who are distressed, with those who seem lost, with those who have become weary, but are looking for a city on a hill, shining brightly for those who are weary to come to Me.

I’ve told you to not to look for whether you are small or large. Not to look at what My other families are doing, because I’ve made you, (this is a hard word to say because it sounds, yes, just say it Lord) – I’ve made you unique. I’ve made you unique. And that is why it has been important to remove any arrogance – any pride – any self-exulting that would come from this house; because My presence in this house is about Me, and My plan. It’s not about a building – not about expansion. I am building teams. I’m building a “unifying” that is yet to be seen totally, but there’s a wholeness coming to this family, and support of one another.

I see a chess board, and the Lord says: I Am the Grand Master! Those that try, ha, have no idea that I have already planned the moves! Ha! But the thing with chess, I remind My people is that it takes patience. But you will see Me move! And you will see Me say “Check mate!” You will see Me do these things not only in our nation, not only in the world, but in this place. For I will move you back and forth (in positions) I will move you - I will have you multi-task, but I’ve brought in a people who can do that. I have brought in a people that I have gifted with many gifts, many talents. I have writers and scribes, and artists and dancers and musicians and (teachers) and I have those who come away with Me in intercession and prayer and release My heart to the people. Because I said, “I will not leave you without understanding.”

So when you are wondering and wandering, (be encouraged) for I’ve begun to tell you the plan. And I’ve told you I’ve come with expansion, but now I declare to you a “second stage” of The Covenant Center. And you say, woah Lord, the first stage, did it take 25 years? And I tell you Yes, it did! It took 25 years, because I searched for a people, I brought people in, I let them go and I waited as I told you at the waters like Gideon’s army (selection) for those who could see My plan, see My future and see what was desired of them from Me. And those that have remained have become foundational for the building of this plan.

And now as we expand into the second stage, I will show you how faithful I am. (Remember) Didn’t I say I would bring in the musicians, the clappers, the singers, the worshipers, the writers – didn’t I say I would do those things? And I will not leave you without completing the plan. But for the second stage, continue in faith and know that I am a good God who has good things for you. And that I have called you – not only to develop your giftings and skills; but I have called you as a people. I have called you a Shiloh. I have called you Shiloh. I’ve called you to a place where the prophets will gather, and you will hear them and honor them and you will discuss the words that come forth and the plans, and we will continue to grow and develop. We will release the people that need to be released, some of them, mm, some of them will go without fulfillment of their call, but some will be released into their destiny. Just as I have released this place into their destiny.

So look to Me with your seer eyes, look to Me with your senses and your hearing. In prayer begin to seek what I am doing for you individually, and how you fit on the chess board. I’m so proud of you Covenant Center – I’m so proud of you, that you began with a seed, and you were willing to hold that seed and water it, and stand and wait patiently by faith, until life came forth. Let’s celebrate the victory of this first stage of completion; and let us now look forward to this second stage of expansion, and I will show you what that looks like and what that means. I will continue to bring in people to train and equip, some will be released and some will stay – teachers, evangelists, pastors, apostles, prophets. I bless you today. I bless you today! I bless you today.

I believe someone has an additional word to add to this? Is there someone here who does? This happens when the Lord comes this way to confirm some things. So thank you as Diana comes as we submit this to you - this is all for you to weigh – this is a word for you and the family, because God has birthed something here that is near to His heart and we are all figuring out what that is, because He gives the plan a little at a time. Yes, go ahead Diana.

Diana Mourey - And even this new expansion, stage two, is not even the expansion with a big building per se, but I’m even doing a new thing after all these years, and this newness is an acceleration of the presence of God. For the prophetic will and has already moved into this place in an upper level.  And it will continue. And there is an expansion of healing taking place, for My body has been wounded, My body has been stricken with ailments, sickness, and even situations.

But get ready, for when the Spirit of God moves in with all weapons, all weapons existing the -work is done. And it will not even be a hard thing. You’ve been through the hard thing. You’ve been through the wilderness. You have been through that, at times you were ready to give up. But even as I bring forth a new energizing into this place, there will be a unity that will take hold. There will be a determination to grab hold of the things that your heart has hungered for. And it has been that hunger in your heart that has gotten My attention. And it’s really no new thing. But in a sense, in your understanding, it is a new thing, because you have been through the pit, and I am lifting you up in a category you have not experienced before.

So get ready, for I have found even the leaders in this place to be faithful. They have hung on even in that weakness. Even in the turmoil to where they felt like they could not walk another step. But open up your eyes just as you have opened up your heart, for this is a new day. And don’t hesitate to move in, for it is your worship- it is your worship of Me that brings My presence into this place. And even a fresh new anointing coming upon My worshipers – and a bond – all of us. So get excited in your heart and count on it – because it’s going to happen.




Passover Preparation: Richard Maisenbacher

Richard Maisenbacher

Leviticus 23 includes Passover (Pesach) and Unleavened Bread, as well as First Fruits as part of the Lord’s Feasts which we are encouraged to celebrate. The Hebrew word for Passover is “Pesach” meaning “to spring, jump or pass over something.” This refers to God’s deliverance of Israel from the bondage of Egypt, which brought freedom. Passover not only typifies redemption, but prophetically it was God’s plan for world redemption by Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb. What a great reason to celebrate!

And they kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with joy,” Ezra 6:22. I have not personally found many Believers who celebrate the Lord’s Feasts or become excited getting rid of the leaven or yeast in their lives. They believe it may be painful or too hard to give up enjoyable/addicting habits. It may be even worse for some to lay down their mental strongholds so they can receive inner healing.

But Passover cannot start until all leaven is removed. Cleansing the home was part of the preparation. However, cleansing of the home is just the beginning. Believers know that cleansing of the home includes the cleansing of our heart in cooperation with the Spirit of God.

In 1st Corinthians 5:7 Paul states: Cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump, just as you really are unleavened. For Christ the Passover Lamb has been sacrificed.” Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are already new. His death and resurrection has removed the leaven in our life. However, in a practical way, there is still leaven that we must cleanse inside and out from the influence of the world. It is a time of purifying our heart and a time to make a choice to separate our self from anything unclean.

In preparation for this Passover, beginning April 5th through April 13th, we can cleanse our “house,” get rid of the leaven, and celebrate as we experience His presence, joy and blessings!  Let’s take advantage of this time with Him in prayer, enjoying His Word, and rejoicing because of the freedom our Passover Lamb has brought us!

If you are near Lakeland, Florida on Wednesday, April 5th please feel free to join us. We will be celebrating this Feast with a Passover Seder at 7:00p.m. at the Covenant Center. Please call the office at 863-802-5171 to sign up.

In His Covenant Love,