There has been a very sweet presence this month, even with the chaos surrounding us right now. Happy Resurrection Day!

 I’ve been reflecting on this approaching Resurrection day, of the millions and millions of book, journals, classes, meetings, Easter Sunday messages throughout time that have been released throughout the world. It’s a bit overwhelming considering the magnitude of this event. “Father, what can I say that hasn’t already been spoken?" What do You want me to share?” This holy event is too stunning to ever be adequately taught. I believe the revelation of what Christ achieved for mankind must ultimately come from the witness and understanding of our Father through His Spirit. I can only give my expression to my impression of the events that have changed me. As I share I hope you will take a moment to reflect on what Christ’s resurrection means to you.

For me, it is a day of remembrance, thanksgiving and celebration of Jesus’ act of love in His crucifixion and resurrection. The magnitude of this event is so astounding and so truly supernatural. In His death and resurrection He released a bounty of gifts to humanity - to all who choose to believe. Let’s look at some of these gifts as we give thanks for all we have received through Christ’s act of love.

First He removed our sin and guilt. John the Baptist declared in John 29 that Jesus was “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” We could stop right there and celebrate but there is so much more. Jesus removed the wrath of God that we so justly deserve. He volunteered to be the sacrifice and not only removed God’s wrath but this action also shifted God’s wrath and turned it into favor. We receive His favor!

Jesus reconciled us back to the Father by removing any separation or alienation between God and man. Romans 5:10-11 reminds us:”…if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more, having been reconciled , shall we be saved by his life.” He paid the price for us - Jesus became the ransom . Our sin sent us into captivity from which we need to be delivered. The ransom or price paid was His life.

As the Lamb of God, He chose to die in our place. He became the sacrifice, substituting Himself for us. That is what Paul meant in Romans 5:8 that Jesus died for you and me. Isaiah 53:5-6 foretold of this: ..He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him,” The Lord allowed our iniquity to fall on Him.

When you combine all that Christ accomplished, to me, one of the greatest gifts is His defeat is over the powers of darkness - satan. Colossians 2:13-15 speaks to this. “And when you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions, having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way having nailed it to the cross.. When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.” He delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. He is the incomparable Christ.

In addition, in substituting Himself for us in death, He became the atonement for our sins and accomplished all the previous actions so we could have life more abundantly. He revealed to us His servant heart. “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Galatians 3:13: “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, becoming a curse for us.” And in the all the pain and scourging He received, Isaiah spoke of Christ’s destiny: “But He was pierced through for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, and by His scourging we are healed.” Look at the plethora of gifts our beloved Jesus released to us. Thank you for Your unfathomable love and mercy Lord.

I was reminded there is one more precious gift that was released that day. I envisioned God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit, before time began, in a meeting, planning the strategy to redeem mankind; as they would soon see the results of giving man free choice. After conferencing for a time, I saw Jesus raise His hand and say,” I’ll go Father.” Some of His earthly events quickly passed before me ending as He received the soured wine, then bowing His head as He declared: “It is finished!

I immediately heard a sound coming from the Temple where I could now to the veil or thick, heavy, temple curtain being rent (torn) supernaturally by God’s hands. I realized as Jesus prepared to ascend to the right hand of the Father, Holy Spirit was preparing to be released , becoming available to mankind - to those who chose to invite him into their lives with Jesus. What a stunning and glorious redemption plan by the triune Godhead. All planned before time to redeem us from our sin (missing the mark) and restoring us to Him.

Matthew 27:51: “Behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom, and the earth shook; and the rocks were split.” The veil between the Holy Place (first room) and the (second room) the Holy of Holies (where the Ark of the Covenant and God’s presence resided) was now removed. God’s presence radiated a bright, fiery Glory - His “Shekinah” which shot up through the roof of the Tabernacle. This was the same pillar of light that led Israel through their wilderness. God’s children were now given free access to His presence and we no longer need to hope and beg for forgiveness. Anyone is now able to enter God’s presence by way of Christ’s blood, shed to pay the wages of our sins. Romans 6:2: “ For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!”

We have been given these supernatural gifts by the Godhead, which we celebrate today. Not only Jesus and our Father God, which is spectacular, but we now also have Holy Spirit - the one who points the way to Jesus and the Father. He is the Spirit of God - Holy Spirit - the one who raised Jesus from the dead. Romans 8:11: “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who indwells you..” Holy Spirit gives you life!

We now can enter into relationship, individually, and intimately with the triune Godhead - God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. And as we are led by the Spirit of God, we are now called His sons and daughters. Romans 8:14-15: For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons and daughters of God. For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by which we cry out, “‘Abba! ‘“ Oh Lord, how wondrous and marvelous are You!

I know this is long, but just one more thing. I was given a vision of a prophetic act - to take a simple tissue and hold it in front of your face. We are unable to see anything. Next, take your two hands at the top and gently tear the tissue in half, just as God’s hands rent the temple curtain. What do you see now? Yes, everything! It must have been so dark for those before Christ, who only knew God from what they were told by the High Priests, and prophets. The Old testament as well as the New Testament hadn’t been written. But in their plan Jesus became our Savior, God our Father is known as Master of the Universe and Holy Spirit is the conduit from heaven to earth, giving us relationship and intimacy with Him which includes: intimacy, heavenly revelation, understanding, guidance, forgiveness, His love, peace, hope, mercy, goodness, loving kindness patience, faithfulness, and self control.

Today, we remember - “It is finished!” New life in Christ’s resurrection is here for you! Simply receive Him into your heart.

In His Love,