A Time of Consecration And New Assignments

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On March 27th I experienced a lovely and special dream. This dream was rich with depth of color and clarity signaling to me the importance to write it down and reflect in its message. As I finished documenting it, I prepared to check the date, and was surprised to see we were only three days till Passover. I found myself in a large gathering - a grand celebration was taking place with many people. There were some from The Covenant Center and some from abroad. Royally clothed priests walked among us in brightly colored robes of rich blue and gold. I was unable to make out their faces, but I knew they were priests/angelic beings assigned by the Father for this gathering. I along with others, were encouraged to go to various staging areas for prayer and blessing. I moved toward the first staging area where they handed out images of Baby Jesus, drawn on white paper and enclosed in an origami like navy art paper. Another priest then led me over to another area where I sat upon softly cushioned seats while they also prayed for me. I did not understand the language being spoken over me, but the peace and weighted presence surrounded me with love.

I returned to the dancing and celebration and was then escorted to the "last stage" walking through the areas of this grand place. It was stunning. I was released to stand in a massive doorway or gate, just like the ones I experienced while in Jerusalem. Throughout the stages or visiting points I was always guided to points for prayer, while the weightedness and waves of glory increased, ultimately bending me over until it was difficult to stand erect. I began to lean against the door frame of this large gathering trying with all my strength to stand as erect as possible to observe the merriment, when I suddenly heard a swish-swish of fabric heading toward me. By now I was bent at a 90 degree angle so I could only see the lower half of this being, who came toward me walking powerfully through the gate, majestically clothed in bright royal red and gold trim. As he passed by, the power he carried was so strong that I immediately fell to my knees and bowed low with my head to the ground. I had no control over my being. I never saw his face, but I knew immediately he was a very high ranking priest with the power to bend me over in reverence to his presence and cause my strength to completely expire. 

Unable to move I waited for assistance, when a young man finally came, taking my arm to assist me once again standing upright, while he jovially said with a twinkle in his eye, "I don't know how people would react if they knew Richard was bringing wine to church." I laughed and smiled at him saying with a wink that he should talk with Richard. I then excused myself and returned to join in the dancing and celebration.

Lastly, I was motioned toward an Art Fair with many compositions for sale. These icons were of great value and I was moved by their beauty and expression. I walked on to the pottery area in the back of the building when I heard a familiar song from my past. The song directed me to a couple where I began observing their conversation. One woman apologized while the other responded with, a shrug saying "Don't worry about it." I sensed that they were reconciling and chosing to lay down any hostilities toward each other. As they resolved their differences the chilly atmosphere change to complete peace.

I believe this dream was a message to prepare our hearts for the Passover season which encourages us to pray and ask God to consecrate us and our future with Him. It is a time to come before Him reconciling our relationship with God and with man. It is also a time of cleansing and preparation for Pentecost, soon appearing May 20th.

Which leads me into the following dream aligning with Passover and posturing us for Pentecost. Again, I found myself in a very large gathering with people from The Covenant Center as well as other countries. Even though I was not dressed in military regalia, I knew I had given my life for a great purpose. Everyone was waiting for their new assignments. A man who I believe was a general in this great army of citizens spoke again in an unknown language, as he prepared the letters/scrolls. Patiently waiting, he arrived in front of me, extending the scroll of paper and placing it in my hand. I opened the scroll and it read: "You are assigned to go up to the Mountain of the Lord." I immediately was transported to a snow covered mountain with others standing beside me. That very Sunday when I received this dream,  I literally entered our meeting room at The Covenant Center and what do you think I heard with my ears and saw with my eyes? Our psalmists were singing, "Come up to the Mountain of the Lord," while our technical staff placed a massive snow-capped mountain on our large screen. Only God could make such a plan..

I'm so glad He chooses to speak in a language we can understand. I've come to realize in days past He was often speaking to me and I missed many appointed moments because I didn't understand He was speaking. Even if you have not chosen to celebrate His Passover to Pentecost cycle, there is always time for you to build a relationship with Him. It's never to late to ask Him to reveal Himself to you and become familiar with Him, to begin celelbrating what lies ahead.

God brought these two separate dreams together, though received months apart, with clarity this past Sunday, during a time of great praise, worship, repentance and forgiveness, while reconciling ourselves to Him and others. We declared it is time to go up to the mountain of the Lord, followed by a fresh anointing and positioning for the coming year.

As the dreams suggest, Passover gives us the opportunity to surrender ourselves to His cleansing work and consecration (dedicating ourselves afresh to His divine purpose). And as we allow God's cleansing work to accomplish His desire in our hearts, we will find ourselves bowing low to His divine work of consecration in preparation for receiving His heavenly assignment.

He desires to come to you in this new season and reveal His plans, placing the "scroll" in your hands with a fresh assignment from heaven to continue to guide you through your life, into your future with Him.      

In His love,

Becky Signature 6-2016.png




Pentecost 2018

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Fifty days after Passover, the Apostle Paul planned his travels so he could be in Jerusalem during Shavuot. It was to celebrate God's faithfulness with the early wheat harvest, which increased the hopefulness for a fall harvest (Sukkot). Later, the Rabbis while searching for historical facts, discovered that around the same time during Shavuot, Moses came to Mount Sinai  and was given the Law. In Acts 2, Paul talked about the outpouring of the Spirit with Tongues of fire which Christians today call Pentecost, (meaning 50 in the Greek).

When I was in prayer for this, regarding preparing and celebrating this feast, God seemed to emphasize three aspects of His love. All three are opportunities for us to release our love back to Him which seems appropriate for this particular feast.

The first is to love God and express our appreciation for His faithfulness and provision for us. The second is to love His written Word by studying and meditating on His Torah. The third is to release the love of His Spirit within us to others we come into contact with.

Pentecost is one of the Lord's major feasts according to Leviticus 23. I believe this is a time to 1) LOVE His Word (Torah). 2) It is also a time to develop our covenant LOVE relationship with Him (Holy Spirit). As a result of loving His Word and Spirit we will automatically 3) LOVE others as the Spirit motivates us from within!

This Feast is a wonderful time to love Him, His Word, and then put it into action by loving others.

In His covenant love,

Richard Sig 6-2016.jpg

God Loves You And Hears Your Cry

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On March 4th of this year,  I released the following word during our praise and worship time at The Covenant Center. As I have meditated on it this month, it aligns beautifully with the Easter and Passover season. I hope you will be encouraged to not only prepare your heart in remembrance of what God has given to you, but to also be reminded of His love for you, especially as you celebrate Him in joy and thanksgiving.

"I hear the Spirit of the Lord speaking so sweetly today. And He says: I hear the cries of My people. I hear the cries of My people! I hear them saying, Lord, help me. Lord, save me. Father, where are you when I need you? Lord, provide for me. Lord, heal me. Lord, free me. Lord deliver me. Lord, fight for me! And I say to you today, what more can I give you My children, than what I gave you through My Son? For He was the great Sacrifice. The blood of the Lamb that was shed for you to walk in My covenant of peace. And the veil was rent so that I could walk with you and stand with you, and celebrate with you, as well as pray with you. And so I ask you today, what more can I give you than My Son? For He embodies all that I am and carries all gifts to release to you. He sits at My right hand and intercedes for you and all in the earth.

So remember to stand with your face like flint when trials come, because they will come. But in those trials, know that I am with you. Know that I fight for you. Know that I love you. Know that I sacrificed for you. Know that My heart is always for you, and whatever you walk through, I walk with you! Yes, I am here. I am waiting for you. I want to wrap My arms around you. I want to breathe My life into you. I've given you eternal life with Me forever.

So even though the world becomes dark, I will raise you up to be houses of light, greater than ever before, and you will shine, because My favor will rest upon you. My joy will rest upon you and My goodness will flow through you. You will shine! You will shine with the brightness of heaven. My angels will be sent to work with you. They will guide you. They will protect you, and in My covenant of peace, My kingdom will reign in this earth. Watch and see. Watch and see, because as the earth rumbles, hear the rumbling below the earth, and know I am at work. Though your eyes may not always see, and your ears may not always hear - I am at work! So choose to trust Me, even choose to wait on Me. For there are some works that take time. And though you may think I have left you, I will never leave you or forsake you. So stand in that choice to trust Me, and keep your eyes on Me. Keep your eyes on Me! Keep your eyes on Me! For I am faithful and I am full of loving kindness and mercy, with graciousness toward My people. Arise and shine for this is the time. Arise and shine My beloved. Shine! Shine! Shine! And always know I love you. I love you.. I love you...I love you.. I love you! I love you!"

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Why Celebrate The Feasts In The Bible?

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I thought I would present a few reasons to celebrate the Feasts in the Bible. But first let's look at some of the reasons given by others to not celebrate them.

Some believe these are Jewish Feasts and I'm not Jewish. But we find in Romans 11:17-19 that some of the branches were broken off so that we as Christian believers could be grafted in and become a partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree. Ephesians 2:13-16 also explains that He has made the two into one new man. It looks like the Lord's feasts are for both groups, which includes those spoken of in Leviticus 23!

Others believe they celebrated the feasts in the Old Testament and we are now in the New Testament. However even in the New Testament Paul declares, "Let us therefore celebrate the feast (Passover), not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Corinthians 5:8).

There also have been arguments that the Feasts prophetically pointed to Jesus and He has already fulfilled them with His death, burial and resurrection. In Matthew 5:17 Jesus said: "Think not that I am come to destroy (misinterpret) the law and the prophets (the Old Testament), but to fulfill (fully explain and show how they work)." Even Jesus emphasized that He is not doing away with the Old Testament, even though He has fulfilled the blood covenant He made with the Father!

And finally some believe: The Bible says don't judge me whether I keep the Feasts or not! We find in Colossians 2:16-17, "Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food, or drink, or in respect to a festival or a new moon, or a Sabbath Day - things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ." Rather than use this scripture as being too legalistic to keep these Feasts, they are legitimate shadows or models of God's truth to be embraced and experienced.

I would encourage you to celebrate and participate in the three major Feasts: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles and enjoy God's presence in the midst!

In His Covenant Love,

Richard Sig 6-2016.jpg

Passover Preparation

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Leviticus 23 includes Passover and Unleavened Bread, as well as Firstfruits as part of the Lord's Feasts which we are encouraged to celebrate.

The Hebrew word for Passover is "Pesach" meaning "to spring, jump or pass over something." This refers to God's deliverance of Israel from the bondage of Egypt. Passover not only typifies redemption, but prophetically it was God's plan for world redemption by Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb. What a reason to celebrate!

"And they kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with joy," Ezra 6:22. I have not personally found many Believers who celebrate the Lord's Feasts, excited about getting rid of the leaven or yeast in their lives. They believe it may be painful or too hard to give up enjoyable/addicting habits. It may be even worse for some to lay down their mental strongholds so that they can receive inner healing.

In 1st Corinthians 5:7 Paul states, "Cleanse out the old leaven that you maybe a new lump, just as you really are unleavened. For Christ the Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed." Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we are already new. His death and resurrection has removed the leaven in our life. However, in a practical way there is still leaven that we must cleanse inside and out from the influence of the world. It is a time of purifying our heart and a time to make a decision to separate our self from anything unclean.

In preparation for this Passover, beginning March 30th through April 7th, as we cleanse our "house" and get rid of the leaven, let's celebrate as we experience His presence, joy and blessings! 


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A Kingdom House

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God is building His kingdom here on earth. He is encouraging each one of His children to know that He is loves them and has destiny in their spiritual DNA. I hope this Word encourages you as He speaks to any striving for significance or identity, knowing He is well pleased.

I am building My kingdom house. And you say, well, Lord what is a kingdom house? What does a kingdom house look like? I tell you it is a house of destiny. It is a house of relationship. It is a house of healing. It is a house of love. It is a house of multiplication. It is a house of impartation. You say, what does Your destiny look like? I say your destiny is what you walk in throughout each day. Your destiny is where you are right now. Your destiny is to love mercy, live holy, see Me clearly, impart heaven to those who mourn, to those who are burdened, to those who are sorrowful, to those who are in pain. Your destiny is every minute of your day. For I guide you through your destiny each day, each minute, each hour. So when you look for My kingdom house, look within you. Yes, there is multiplication, there will be impartation and My presence will reign in this place.

But know that you don't have to search for your destiny. Your destiny is where you live right now. Your destiny is that moment of love that you share. Your destiny is the prayer that you release. Your destiny is the hope that you impart. Your destiny is the revelation from heaven you share that helps guide a wondering soul. So yes, I call you a kingdom house and I declare to you, each of you are a part of My house of destiny. Each of you are a part of My kingdom house. Don't look for My love in one place. Don't look simply for My presence, Do not build idols, places where you think that I live and reign. Because as scripture has spoken to you, I reign over all the earth. I love all creation and I love all people. I desire to give hope and encouragement and to daily guide My creation into their destiny; day by day, moment by moment. So live, celebrate, enjoy the gift of My love and My presence and impart it to all you meet, and you will walk as My kingdom house and My house of destiny.

In His love,

Becky Signature 6-2016.png

Release The Sound by Cynthia Cox

Cynthia Cox shared the following encouraging word at The Covenant Center recently. Be encouraged and inspired as you move forward in this new season. Becky

Release The Sound

Cynthia Cox

It came even to pass as the trumpeters and the singers were as one. To make one sound to be heard and be praising and thanking the Lord; when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and instruments and music, praising the Lord. Praise the Lord for He is good and His mercy endures forever. And then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord, so that the priest could not stand, by reason of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God. Allow the glory to fill the house today. Release the sound. Release the sounds that are due to His name. Release His praise. Release His worship.

For I would say unto you my little ones, look not to the left - nor to the right for I am the Lord your God. I am the great I Am. I am the true and the living God, and it doesn't matter what goes on in this world, I am God and I change not. But look unto Me, for I am the Author and Finisher of your faith. I change not and surely whatever I have promised you I will bring it forth, for I am not a God that will lie. But know that this day give the praise and the glory that is due to Me, for I am still God of this earth, and I am still doing great and mighty things in the earth.

Focus upon Me, says the Lord. Look unto Me. Keep your face like flint. Do not be moved by what you see. Pray and praise even more, even in your prayer language. Know that you can mount up in Me, and when you mount up in Me, you will see. You will see the great things I have in store for you. For I am a God that has not forsaken you and I have not forgotten you. I've not abandoned you, for My love is true. Know this day I have come to encourage My people. Be lifted up and allow the King of Glory to come into this place and I will lift you up. I will bless you.

Covenant Compassionate Acts

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For many Christians it is a challenge to decide whether they are suppose to wait on God or step out. Many are also discouraged because their personal prophetic word has not come to pass yet and they are unsure if they are: 1) suppose to do something to make it come to pass, 2) whether God will do everything Himself or 3) they have to co-labor together with Him. There even seems to be scriptures which emphasize two different aspects of responding to the Lord's word, one thinking and one doing.

In Philippians 4:8 we are instructed to:"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." And in James 1:22 we are exhorted:"But prove yourselves doers of the word and not merely hearers who delude themselves."

The word dwell in Philippians 4:8 means to reckon, count, compute or calculate. In other words, we should calculate with our mind so that it counts according to these things: true, lovely, good repute, excellence, and worthy of praise." 

When we practice"hesed" (covenant compassionate acts) God asks us to count and see if we are following through with action on these acts, not just thinking about them. So it seems we are not just suppose to dwell or think on these things, but put them into practice.

James speaks of the same concept of being doers of the word and not just hearers. Delusion in James is not doing what we already know to do. The Bible is about obedience and applying what we've learned, not just gathering more information. Sometimes I think we criticize others because they are applying the principles of the Bible and yet we accuse them of trying to perform God's word to get approval and love by striving. In reality, they may just be obeying God's word and doing what they know or sense to do from understanding and following scripture.

It is good to check to see why we do what we do, and figure out why we are motivated to do certain things. However, after we understand our motives, receive healing and sincerely want to please Him, then walking out covenant compassionate acts of love would certainly follow the biblical directives. I believe this is a time if we do not hear clearly what to do from God, we need to continue doing what we already know to do by applying the principles of His word. In response to loving others compassionately He will continue to give, direct and communicate because of His covenant love for us.

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Surrender - A KIngdom Principle

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Recently I came across a Martial Arts competition broadcast. My thoughts quickly returned to college when I took a beginning Judo class and later tried Taekwondo, which by the way was really fun, but also revealed my less than stellar abilities. I hadn't watched this sport for many years, but I was drawn into the strength, ability and agility of each participant as they tried to out maneuver each other; grunting, panting, twisting and heaving toward the victorious moment when their opponent would give up, slap the mat and yell Matte,' meaning peace or I give up.

As the young man beat the mat, I immediately envisioned the times I have wrestled or fought with God unwisely thinking I could win, believing I knew what was best for my life. There were moments of crying out, whining, pouting, anger, deferring, ignoring, or simply resisting as I determined to make my own way and forge my own path. Of course, I was no match for God's desires as I opposed Him and struggled at my own expense. Years earlier I had given my life to Him, but it was actually conditional surrender. I chose to serve Him when I liked the assignment, but I would become passive and distant if it did not seem to benefit me. It only took one good wilderness to awaken me to His power and the revelation that He was actually in control and my insufficient attempts at life were simply an illusion of my own inability to succeed without Him. As I gave my heart to Him I asked to know and understand His ways, but my surrender to His training was purely subject to my approval.

As a little child and romantic, I loved the story of Mary as the angel came to tell her that she would divinely carry the Christ child, and I was awed at her intentional and unconditional surrender to God as she spoke in Luke 1:38: "Behold the bondslave of the Lord; be it unto me according to your word." How many times did I try to rightly position myself to surrender to His will like Mary and yet failed. I wanted to "slap the mat" and yield to Him and yet my actions revealed my determination to keep fighting. Sometimes it was fear, pride, unfulfilled personal dreams, and sometimes it was simply rebellion wanting to serve Him my own way. I wanted to give up but I simply didn't know how. A part of me wanted to "go where He leads me," and yet I remained fearful, angry and full of my own desires, lacking maturity and intimacy to trust Him with my future. Some call this double mindedness. However you label it, indecision and self interest can cause one to become stagnate and unable to prosper or move forward in life 

Many people still have points of enmity or frustration with God. They may be angry, feeling He did not meet their needs or fulfill His promises as they imagined. And unfortunately in this fallen world, bad things do happen to very precious people and the end result can lead one to feel betrayed or rejected by God. If we are not vigilant we can give way to the lies of darkness believing God is not with us nor does He care. Each person is faced with the choice to either turn their back to Him or surrender as He begins the divine work of covenant exchange. Understanding His process of changing us into more of His image often erases fear as we begin to intimately cooperate with Him and allow the deep work of change within. God's covenant exchange is a divine work of Holy Spirit, as He takes all that we are in exchange for all that He is. God patiently removes all the worldly thoughts, belief structures and actions in our life and He then pours more of Himself into us. He is actually changing our character and nature to become more like Him. Even in our maturity, there are still moments in our relationship where we must choose to bow low, slap the mat and say, "Peace, I give," surrendering to His desires above our own. Trust is built over time not always understanding His reasons, but we learn to serve without disputing or resisting, knowing He love us, is faithful and has our best interest in His heart. God always has a much bigger plan than what we are able to "see" or comprehend.

As you mature you will begin to trust Him more. He shows you that your circumstances or conditions do not determine His love for you, and even in the midst of tragedy or loss, He is with you. Every challenge that confronts you gives Him a chance to reveal more of Himself and His name. He is Understanding and Knowledge. He is Majestic and Glorious. He is Revelation, Comfort and Wonder. He is the King of Glory, the Spirit of Truth and the Prince of Peace; Wonderful Counselor, Creator, Salvation, Health, Safety and Increase. He is Salvation and the God of the spotted and speckled and so much more. He educates you regarding His kingdom and teaches you to co-labor with Him. Through dreams and visions He comes to you and instructs you in the way you should walk. We learn His ways are not our ways and in our weakness we experience His sovereignty and strength. He gives understanding that we are not called to a life of idleness, but are asked to actively serve at His direction and requests, willfully surrendering to His work and desires. 

God has a way of wrestling us down on the mat, pinning us in situations, until we finally give up. Sometimes He leads by gentle means and sometimes He must deal with His children by firmer or more forceful means. Arthur Burt once wrote in his book "Surrender, Your Key to Spiritual Success" the following: "God endeavors to bring us to the point of surrender. We have been subject to heavenly raids: God has been dropping bombs on the fortifications of the empire of our flesh life. Blockbusters with unerring precision have devastated our communication lines, and many of us have been made aware that we are in a preparatory 'softening up' process."

Each day we awaken to new mercies and possibilities; new opportunities to yield to His agenda. He comes and offers all that He is - the fullness of God - to all who surrender to Him. We are then provoked to respond to His eternal question: How much of you will you surrender to Me? Maybe you feel pressure, resistance, fear, disappointment, irritation, anger, frustration or pain? Is life less than what you hoped for? Is it possible you may be resisting the very One who has a better way to do life? Is it possible He may want to speak to you and share what He holds in your future? Would you consider the possibility He may be persuading you to "slap the mat?" Our cry will no longer ring of our own ideas, plans, pain, wounds or personal desires; but we will choose to kneel, yielded to God in peaceful acceptance of HIs will and way, releasing from our heart and soul to Him the words Jesus spoke in the Garden: "Not my will but Yours be done"(Matt. 26:39).

"Thank you Father for Your mercy and grace. Help me to trust and surrender to You and Your desire for my life. Please help me to understand Your ways as I learn to acknowledge and receive Your love, knowing You deeply care and have a plan for me. Thank You for patiently working in my life, helping me to release my worldly nature and character to receive more of You."

In HIs love,

Becky Signature 6-2016.png

The Greatest Gift

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Christmas is always a special time for many to celebrate, trim the tree, hang the lights and enjoy festivities and gift giving. Joy and hope seem to permeate the atmosphere as we look toward a new year brimming with endless possibilities. For others, it is a challenge to wade through what seems to be a path of never ending celebrations, watching joyful people who appear to have it all; while inside you wrestle with pain, loss and sometimes despair. Unfulfilled expectations can make Christmas intolerable. Whatever your experience, this Christmas can be your best ever by not merely focusing on the festivities, personal loss or regret, but turning your eyes upon Jesus; for He is the true gift of this season.

Believers often describe Jesus as Lord, Savior or use other names describing His character as Truth, Hope, Redeemer and Light, Friend and Shepherd. Over the centuries almost everyone has heard the supernatural story of His birth as well as His crucifixion and resurrection, but what makes Jesus so special and separates Him from other deities. What makes Him such a great gift?

For one thing Jesus, is the only one who is able to forgive mankind of their sin. Whatever you have said or done, no matter how shameful, Jesus has the divine power to cleanse you and forgive you where sin no longer dictates your life. He gives you a clean slate to begin again. 

Secondly, after you invite Him to be your Savior and Lord, He is the only one who can renew and transform you into the new person He wants you to be. His supernatural work accomplished through Holy Spirit, will penetrate deep within your heart, mind and soul, causing you to begin to think more clearly and make wiser decisions and choices. He will patiently help you to renew your mind, change your thoughts and ways of thinking, transforming you into a new being. You have the potential to become all that He desires for you to be.

These two qualities certainly make Jesus the greatest man that ever lived, but there is even more to celebrate. He is the only one who provides the pathway for you to live with Him eternally in paradise (Luke 23:43). By simply asking Him into your heart, into your life and getting to know Him, He has promised you will live eternally with Him. I sometimes ponder this point which is too spectacular to actually comprehend with our natural mind. Life everlasting, with Jesus in heaven, living in paradise eternally. He is the only one who can grant this future to you. He is not only the greatest gift but the greatest gift giver.

So as you approach this season, whether you have met Him or not, I submit to you these points in hope you will take a moment to savor and give thanks to the greatest gift God has ever given to you and to mankind - His only Son. If you have never met Him or desired to trust Him, it is never to late to become acquainted with this loving Son of God who became man for you. Whatever your holiday affords you, Jesus is there beside you. He desires to walk with you through your life journey and through His covenant of peace bring you peace, safety, security, prosperity, health, and increase. Yes, it really is possible for you to have new life, filled with hope and renewed vision. As you meet with family and friends this holiday, preparing to ring in the New Year, please consider opening your arms to receive the most expensive and extraordinary gift of love and life from God your Father to you. His name is Jesus and He gave His life for you.

A blessed Christmas and New Year to you and your family,

Becky Signature 6-2016.png

God's Covenant At Christmas

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This Christmas season gives you a tremendous opportunity to operate in two aspects of covenant: Giving and Exchanging. Galatians 1:4 states: He gave his life for our sins so that He might rescue us from this present evil age..." He even now gives Himself for us in intercessory prayer because He loves us. 

You have a wonderful opportunity this Christmas season to release the love of God within you to others. Of course, this will look different to each of you as you are presented with various occasions. It could be through your financial giving, providing food, clothing, visits to those who are lonely, prayer, writing a note, books, cards of encouragement and more.

Covenant is briefly defined as an ongoing process of intimate exchange of all that I am for all that He is. During covenant making, the stronger party exchanges what it has with the weaker party, who does not have as much to give, gladly and thankfully embracing the receiving part of covenant.

In the new covenant, rather than needing to perform and strive to get God's love and approval, we can exchange our weaknesses, sin and unrighteousness for His strength, love and righteousness. In fact there are five aspects that can be exchanged in this covenant exchange process in which we are able to receive His names, character, nature, position and responsibility. We can also exchange our sickness for His health, our anxiety for His peace and our depression or disappointment for His hope.

So during this Christmas season let's consider the joy of giving to others as we exchange our shortcomings to receive more of His nature and character in this magnificent covenant exchange.

Have a blessed Merry Christmas and New Year -

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Don't Give Up! Breakthrough Is On The Way!

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With this year coming to a close and the entrance of a New Year approaching, we may have mixed emotions about hopes and dreams that are yet to be fulfilled. Below, you will find a word of hope and encouragement released by Kay Endsley to press forward and believe that your Father is faithful and has good things ahead for you. May this embolden you in this special season to hold fast to that which is good and see God faithfully fulfill the promises He has spoken to you! Enjoy this word from Kay -

Who is in need of breakthrough? Are you in a season where you just feel like you are pushing and pushing and nothing is happening? Are you ready to give up? Or maybe you are wondering if you have done something that disqualifies you from getting your breakthrough? Have you lost that place of faith and you feel like you just cannot muster up one more ounce of belief? Well, hold on and keep pressing in to God, because He is up to something BIG!

Our family recently experienced a huge breakthrough. But prior to it happening I was in inner turmoil and really wanted to give up. Even though I could see our victory on the horizon I was afraid and my faith was failing. Then in the early hours of the morning of June 24, 2017, I was awakened with a troubled heart and went to prayer. During this time I saw a mental picture and received encouragement from God that I believe He wants to released over His body. He wants to encourage believers who are struggling to find faith. He wants to encourage you to continue in your hope. To continue to believe for what He has promised you. To continue to pray!

On that early morning as I waited before God, I saw a mental image of huge heavy doors, like the gates of a medieval castle. The timbers that were used to construct the doors were massive - like whole trees for each piece of wood! Each plank could easily have been a square yard. These doors were so massive that they were humanly impossible to open!

As I pondered this picture I saw a squad of angels come to push against the doors and they started ever so slowly to budge them open. And then more angels came to push. And as they pushed and the doors began to open, golden-yellow coins started to flow from behind the doors. They weren't coins of currency, but they were "The Blessings of the Saints" that were stored up in heaven. And I heard the sound of them starting to trickle out, coin hitting coin, slowly at first, and then faster and faster, and then all rushing out with a mighty, sweeping force! And endless stream of blessing was starting to flow! I could sense the vibrations going on in the heavens as this picture played out. I summed up the feeling with a personal Facebook post for that day saying: "Did you feel that shaking? Did you hear that rumbling? The heavy doors of heaven are being opened and breakthrough is on the way!" The sense of heavenly vibration was so strong!

Then this was the encouragement I sensed the Lord speaking to me that followed: "Let's pick up where we left off (meaning the place where there use to be faith). Let's go! I am about to open doors for you. I am opening them NOW. Big, heavy doors. They are opening. It is taking an army squad to open the doors because they are so heavy. At least five angelic men-big, strong, men, on each side of these huge, heavy doors. Maybe seven or eight as help comes and more warrior men are opening these doors.

I am opening the doors that no one could open before. I am opening doors that you pushed hard to open but you could not budge in your own strength. Even now, you are not among the assignment that is pushing those doors open. I have released My Word that 'it is time.'

You saw this hindrance in your life from your own understanding. You thought it was just a thin narrow door - like a bedroom door - and you were trying to open it and walk through. But no! These hindrances - these blocks in your life were not those kind of doors. These doors are like the gates of a castle. They are not the kind of doors you just walk through nor are they the kind of doors that I lead you to; but these are doors that are opening to release to you from the storehouses of heaven, blessing and outpouring that has been stored up for you from years and years of prayer. These doors are so heavy that battle ramparts could not break them down. They are massive like city gates, and floodgates at the same time. And they are being pushed open for you. They are swinging open for you.

For My faithful ones who have stored up prayer upon prayer, petition upon petition, the answers, My release, My breakthrough is getting ready to pour out. As those doors swing wider and wider, breakthrough is gaining momentum and pushing its way out to you. The sheer force of momentum is so powerful that you have to jump out of the way so that it does not over take you! But reach out. Grab hold! Because I am pouring out! Reach out with your faith. Reach out with your words. Reach out with your belief. Reach out with your obedience to the actions I impress upon you to take. Reach out and take hold! Breakthrough is pushing through!

Don't let past mistakes, don't let past hindrances disqualify you in your own mind. I am not disqualifying you. I am saying go back to that place where we walked together in faith, before a spirit of unbelief tried to steal you away. Let's pick up where we left off. It is time! It is time for breakthrough! Grab hold of the promise. It is time! Let's go!"  Kay Endsley

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and be encouraged and strengthened by His love and grace. May this holiday season be filled with His presence and a fresh breath from heaven bringing refreshing, joy and peace to you and your loved ones. 

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God's Good News Of The Gospel - His Covenant

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God sent His good news because of His faithfulness toward mankind. He sent Jesus as our covenant representative to become our sin and our blood sacrifice so we are now acceptable to Him. That was His love and faithfulness in action. He opened the door to intimacy and fellowship with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Understanding what God did for humanity also builds trust.

Now instead of working and striving to become like Him, He imparts Himself and His character into us, as we allow Him access to our lives. We now respond in love to His Word as He gives us grace to walk in His ways. He reshapes what matters to us by altering the intentions and motivations of our heart so they reflect Him.

The good news of the gospel is His invitation for us to enter into covenant with Him. We accept this covenant relationship knowing He is faithful. "If we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself " (2 Timothy 2:13). As we understand His covenant commitment to His Word, then we begin to walk in faith rather than anxiety, knowing He will fulfill His promises or blessings.

What a covenant! We enter in by faith, knowing we cannot do anything to make us righteous except to accept the fact that Jesus' death, burial and resurrection made us justified. Now, because of His love toward us and our love and thanksgiving to Him, we offer ourselves by devoting our life and love to pleasing Him. He then writes His word on our hearts, which begins to transform our thinking, emotions, character and behavior. That is His good news for us. We do not have to do everything. All we have to do is enter in and surrender to HIs love!

His covenant is incredibly good news!

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The Earth Is Shaking For The Sons Of God

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The following word was recently released at The Covenant Center. I hope it will encourage you to keep your eyes on Him and remember His love and faithfulness.

I hear the voices of My people crying out: "Oh God! What are You doing? Oh God, what is happening? Oh my God, where are You? Oh God, I don't understand?"

What are you looking at My children? What are you looking at and where are your eyes focusing? Are you focusing on the injustice? Are you focusing on the terror? Are you focusing on the devastation? The earth is shaking! The earth is shaking! It is shaking for the sons of God to arise. I am calling My sons and daughters forth. What have you studied for? What have you trained for? What have you planned for? What have you prayed for? What have you seen in your mind's eye? I am calling you forth. Do you not see it? Do you no sense it? Do you not understand it? For the earth is shaking for My glory to be released into this place that I have created, and I desire you to align with My plans and My purposes.

So, where is your hope? Where is your focus? For is it not written that I am the God of Hope? Am I not the God of Hope that loves His children and desires to give good gifts to them? Even in the chaos, even in the shaking, even in the alignments and realignments, know that I am there. Know that I feel your pain and know that I feel your suffering. But understand, is it not written that there is a greater purpose for what is coming - for what is taking place? And will I not pull you into My breast and comfort you and keep you and bring revelation to you? For I love you! I love you! I love you!

So as the earth shakes, I ask you one thing - keep your eyes on Me. When your spirit becomes troubled, when you become discouraged or dismayed, keep your eyes on Me. Keep your eyes on Me. Remember to always keep your eyes on Me.

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Let's Celebrate

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Now that we have passed through an intense time of introspection and repentance with the Lord during Rosh Hashanah and the Days of Awe, we move toward a time of celebration during the Feast of Tabernacles. We are thankful for all that God has done for us this past year and for His provision, grace, mercy, and revelation for the New Year!

I believe we have an opportunity to continue to increase our intimate relationship with the Lord and become more conscious of His heart and mind. As our awareness of His ways increase, it will change our perceptions of what He wants us to do by following Him.

There are so many distractions that occur in our lives, on the Internet, television, and the news that affect us emotionally and even spiritually. I believe the same tactic of the enemy is similar today as it was in the Garden. Use any technique possible to discredit God so we won't believe His love and not follow Him.

Since there is a relationship bond in the Semitic lands when one eats together, the enemy will always get us to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, because it eventually brings death. The opposite is to eat (an intimate relationship of love and obedience) from the Tree of Life (Jesus) that will bring truth and life.

The distractions in the world are incredible. The enemy wants us to determine what is good for us and what is evil. Therefore, we look at our desires as being equal to God's. The subtlety of believing our thoughts and desires are the same as His needs to be examined. It is a big decision, because it goes back to: "Do I follow my will and my desire, versus His will and desire for me?"

Decisions will be made this year. Hopefully, His written logos Word and His rhema words we receive in prayer will take priority, rather than the distractions that tempt us to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. Let's celebrate as we enter this Hebraic New Year with joy and thanksgiving, that the Lord has given us the choice to live and love abundantly and intimately with Him!

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It's Not Where You Start - It's Where You Finish

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Recently after the destructive path of Hurricane Irma came through Florida and took out our power, exhausted from the stress of the storm and sticky humidity, oddly I found myself humming an upbeat show tune from the 70's entitled: "It's Not Where You Start It's Where You Finish." It must have been an angel whispering in my ear, because I've not thought of this song in years and our circumstances were less than ideal. Humming merrily I stopped and reflected for a moment on what I was actually singing. This was a song about perseverance and not giving up. God was speaking to me.

How often are we bombarded with events in various seasons of life that come in waves where all you can do is hold on and try to keep your head above water. You overcome one obstacle only to be hit with another one. Exhaustion and discouragement begin to set in. Here in Florida hurricane season is sometimes like that. One storm passes and another one forms. If you are breathing, you have probably also experienced seemingly out of control seasons. Our forefathers all walked through challenging times too. I can not think of one person in the Bible who didn't at some moment experience pain, suffering or loss. Even Jesus experienced moments of humiliation, extreme pain and rejection. It's just a fact of life that problems will surface living in this fallen world. And even though we all like to feel secure and in control of our future we only truly know today. Even our multitudinous questions regarding human suffering and evil are still debated and basically go unanswered. Where is God when I hurt? How could God make such an evil world? Why should I believe or follow God? Why do good people sometimes suffer while sin seems to go unpunished? Does God really watch over and protect His children?

I've pondered these questions since my head on car wreck by a drunken driver in 1975. It was on that rainy evening awakening in the hospital that I realized I was not immortal. I always come back to the same conclusion as Job. In my youth I looked at him as a very sad character. I hoped I would never experience any suffering. I mean really - it was only what Job experienced back in his day, right? It didn't have anything to do with me? God just allowed Job's testing to teach him some things. It just didn't seem relevant. Fast-forward now sixty years later and I now know that everything in scripture is relevant for today. It brings truth and revelation as well as comfort for the seasons you will eventually experience.

In my youth I had difficulty with Biblical stories, but through my journey I can look back and see my life has paralleled theirs. I've personally walked through times of questioning God and ignoring His mandates while murmuring and complaining just like the Israelites. I've experienced the pain and loneliness of waiting for His promises like Sarah. I've doubted like Thomas, and I've become undone in my sin, self righteousness and criticalness of others like Paul. But I've also looked into His face and sensed the depth of His unconditional love, and wept and repented as I poured myself out at His feet like Mary Magdalene. At times I've danced wildly and joyfully before Him filled with overwhelming joy and thanksgiving in His salvation, mercy, faithfulness, loving kindness, goodness and forgiveness like David. And like Job, I've experienced pain and loss that left me with more questions than answers.

I am now beginning to see more beauty in God visiting Job rather than what once seemed to be harsh punishment. Psalm 11:5 speaks of God testing the righteous, and if you are devoted to Him you will be tested. As a child I never wanted to believe that He tested His children. It was scary to me and seemed unloving and cruel. But I have come to understand that God's testing is not for Him, but for us. He already knows what is in our hearts. Just like in school the results of our tests reveal what we have learned. Tests are kind of like the dashboard of our car that lets us know what is under the hood. Through our testing and hardships, we find out how much we have grown in knowing Him and matured in Him. Over the years I have more insight with the wonderings of Job, and can now more clearly identify with his own questioning and final conclusions. Job eloquently shares with us his revelations from his own sufferings in his confession found in chapter 42. "I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge? Therefore, I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Hear now, and I will speak; I will ask You, and do what You instruct me. I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear; but now my eye sees You. Therefore I retract and repent in dust and ashes."

God, through His stunning and sometimes painful work of transformation and sanctification, sometimes allows circumstances much like Job, to change us into more of His likeness and image. It is a work we cannot do ourselves. We may surrender to it, but it is a divine work by His hand through Holy Spirit. It is the narrow path, sprinkled with unknown situations that you may choose not to walk. And yet it is the road that will take you to a more intimate relationship and deeper understanding of Him and His ways.

Everyone comes to God as a child. Everyone is to be trained and taught to grow into maturity. Surrendering to Him and His plan for you is a great key to finishing well in life. The dark places of failure are where we exponentially grow and mature. As you run the race with God, remember that in Him it will end well. Like Job, it truly doesn't matter where you start, but it's where you finish that brings wisdom, understanding and maturity. Whatever you experience in His plan, He will redeem it. Whatever task He assigns, He will help you prosper and complete it. Whatever pain or loss you walk through, He will bring healing, wisdom and truth. He will teach you to trust Him. Through out your life He will walk with you. He will help guide and direct you, so you by His great grace and excellence will finish well.

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The Fall Feast - God's Appointed Time

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We find described in Leviticus 23 God's feasts or His appointed times of celebration and consecration. The fall feast is a season when God wanted His people to learn to rest in Him. The Feast of Passover teaches about God's peace; the Feast of Pentecost instructs us on God's power; and the Feast of Tabernacles gives understanding about God's rest.

The dates for this Fall, 2017 are:

Rosh Hashanna (Feast of Trumpets) Beginning of the New Year - September 21st - 22nd
Days of Awe - include the 10 days from Rosh Hashanna to Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) A day of fasting - Sept. 30th
Sukkot or Feast of Tabernacles/Booths - October 7th - 12th

Even though the days previous to the feast were a time of repentance and reflection, the Feast of Tabernacles celebrated the final ingathering of the harvest which God had blessed the people with for the year. The fruit of the land had been reaped, so the people could rest from their harvesting labors. It was a time of great rejoicing! They would celebrate and thank God in advance for the next harvest.

This feast emphasized a rest with the Lord, however it did not necessarily mean to literally lay down and do nothing. Rest meant to continue to be intimate with Him, staying involved in the normal work of the Kingdom, while continuing with their occupation, family, study, prayer and ministry.

I believe God is doing many things behind the scenes during this time of restoration and reconciliation. My wife Becky recently prophesied that "Things are fixin' to change!"  And several months ago I received a vision with a pumpkin and a huge stick of dynamite stuck inside. I believe during this Fall season, God is going to move in a great way, affecting not only the seven mountains, but His people individually as well. I do not know how it will play out, but I know there is a correction coming to level out the playing field and to begin to restore what has been stolen from His people.

Let's celebrate His Fall Feast looking forward to this New Year!

In His beautiful love,

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The Pen Of A Ready Writer

For a few months now I have had impressions that God desires for His creativity to flow through His people afresh. We know He is always releasing a divine flow of His Spirit, but now there seems to be a release of His extraordinary grace to those feeling called to write and create, also for those who have not quite completed their projects or assignments. I believe God is now activating in an accelerated way as He sends out a clarion call to take up the pen and write. We have stepped into a season to clearly hear from heaven and accomplish the assignment and call by His great grace being released and available to help you complete the task placed within your heart. 

I was awakened last weekend from a deliciously sound sleep, when I heard Holy Spirit whisper, "The pen of the ready writer. It's time for My people to pick up the pen." I thought that was all He wanted to say so I laid my head on my pillow, closed my eyes and expected to return to sleep, when He continued to speak. I haven't had a visit from Him for a while where I knew He had something very special to talk about. So I picked up my pad and pen and from 1:30 to 5:30 I sat with Him as He shared. With the time He spent with me I believe this is a pivotal moment for many. 

First, even though I have been the recipient of the term "ready writer" spoken over me, honestly, I have never really investigated it. But this night was different. As I opened my Bible, I was taken to Psalm 45:1. There was written the words, "My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready (skillful) scribe." This verse denotes the workings of David's heart, which was passionate and fervent, kindled by God's grace and inspired by Holy Spirit.

Upon further reflection I heard the quiet voice of Holy Spirit encouraging His people to write, create, compose, develop, and remember that skills develop by doing the work. He showed me books, novels, teaching manuals and materials, song lyrics, music scores, paintings, buildings, furniture, videos, movies, even games and comic books and more. The vision of all that is created by His grace and inspiration continued to flow. It was overwhelming, the many things He is waiting to release through the one who will sit with Him and be guided by His hand. I sensed the excitement and heart of a Father encouraging and guiding His children to explore, take risks and step out to release the dream He has seeded in their heart. Then He asked the following questions: What has the Lord placed on your heart? What have you experienced? What are you going through? What truth has He shown you to share? God is releasing His plans and creativity, and His impartation and activation is flowing afresh in this season. What vision has he given to you to draw, paint, develop or compose? What piece of furniture or design will you create or produce? What scientific understanding will you study and explore which will bring knowledge and understanding? What have you been called to build? What song, poetry or prose do you hear in your head and heart to release? What picture do you see in your mind's eye to express? Will you give expression to His impression so He may flow through you?

The excitement and expectancy of all He was sharing soon turned to a sense of concern and sadness. As I waited before Him I began to sense His heart, longing like a parent waiting for their child to recognize the gifts within them. The proud parent who sees the gift their child carries, and yet the child for either lack of understanding or fear of reprisal or rejection allows the treasure to remain dormant and untapped. And then I heard Him say: "My people are hindered by comparisons. Comparisons are good for science and research, but not for My people. How can you compare the voice I have given you to another's voice? Each of My children have been given their own voice and without their voice and without their voice released, someone must wait for an answer. Someone must wait for encouragement or hope, direction, counsel, guidance, support, truth, or simply the love and peace of words that soothe their soul."

These words reminded me of His call over 40 years ago for Richard and I to enter ministry, serving wherever needed in churches and later initiating a Bible study with training on hearing His voice. Even though we knew He had asked us to begin these small groups we were still surprised as we watched Him assign and bring people together forming a beautiful kingdom family now called The Covenant Center. I was taken back to the challenges we faced, sprinkled with accusations, some criticism and even scoffing. Who do they think they are? What do they know? What is their pedigree? Have they lost their minds? Why would they sacrifice their jobs and degrees - give up their incomes and security to do this? Sometimes we both looked at each other and asked the same question: "What are we doing?" The path was strewn with hardship, long hours, much sacrifice coupled with sadness and pain. We had friends who could no longer walk with us. There were even family members who could no longer support our path. Encouraged by God to keep our eyes on Him alone, we simply got up each day attending to what was required within our ability and watched God breathe on what He desired, which developed into a community I could never have imagined, with experiences and precious friendships as sweet fruit.

At our recent Covenant-U graduation, Don Franklin made a statement that deeply confirmed my impressions. He said: "You know the Apostle Paul didn't know he was writing the epistles or writing books of the Bible. He simply obeyed the Lord and expressed what God directed." How true that still is today! None of the people knew they were composing something of great value. They lived their lives and gave expression to their experiences and impressions. I was reminded of the great music that was composed centuries ago, yet upon debut, they were sometimes met with criticism and stamped as a failure. And yet today, many of those enriching symphonies are played continually throughout the world touching hearts and the souls of men. The gift they expressed didn't meet expectations or approval of the times, and yet they still live on. This can be said for paintings, films, inventions, designs, plays and theatre productions, and so much more. Aren't we grateful these people didn't give up and held onto their pen even though often faced with hardship and sometimes despair?

Our Father is asking you to acknowledge the impression you are unable to dismiss; the call to give expression to the seed He has planted within you. What is Holy Spirit revealing in your life? It may come through your personal experiences, emotions, scripture, revelations, sensing or discovering the magnificent world that surrounds you. You may gain insight, revelation or specific knowledge and understanding He presents to you. As you acknowledge the call in your heart, begin to prioritize time with Him and allow Him to guide you into understanding, which will lead to expressing the gift in your heart. Make a decision to give time to develop what is in your hand. Understand you will be met with opposition and ask for strength to persevere. There will will be days you may feel like giving up or that you are standing alone. Remember each morning comes with a fresh beginning and new mercies. Choose to be bold. Take a step forward, share and attend to the vision in your heart. It will surely, in it's season blossom forth, bringing encouragement and life to the one for which it was designed.

"Father, help us to recognize the gifts and callings You have placed within us. Give us understanding to your divine impressions. Help us know when and how to release what You have deposited within. May we always release the divine through Your eyes and heart of love, so that it may land safely in the hearts of others."




Looking Forward to This Year!

Hello Covenant Center family and friends! Becky and I and our TCC staff have had a restful month of July. We hope you have also found time to hit the beach, travel, relax and spend some quality time with Him, as well as each other. I am excited to share with you our schedule of activities as we step into a new year with Fall classes, Community Break Out Nights, School of the Prophets, Sunday Celebrations, Worship, Prayer, and continuation of our Covenant U School of Ministry classes. 

We will begin each week as usual with our worship and celebration meetings on Sunday mornings. Starting this Wednesday, August 2nd, our Community Break Out Night will commence again with fun, fellowship, small group discussions, classes and prayer, including Pre-K, Youth, and Teens to Adults. It's always great to get a cup of coffee, meet with the family, have Q and A in a relaxed environment as we learn more about God, the Scriptures and the practical application of the Gifts of the Spirit. Some of the break out classes for adults will be Hearing God with Wanda Hollingsworth, A Study of Genesis with Bob and Pat Stark, fellowship with Sarah Galarza and more to come. 

Our School of the Prophets is expanding with Cathy Lechner, Don Franklin, Glenn Miller, and Randi Lechner beginning August 3rd with Cathy Lechner's meeting. Don's meeting will take place on the 2nd Friday of each month; Glenn will be the 3rd Friday of each month; and Randi will meet the 4th Friday of each month. Cathy Lechner's meeting will begin this Thursday, August 3rd and continue each first Thursday of the month for this year. Each Prophet brings their own curriculum and teaching on how to hear from God and move in the gifts with godly character. 

I'd like to mention that our Covenant U graduates will receive their licensing or ordination Saturday, August 12th, at 7pm. These graduates have faithfully attended the school classes on Monday nights to gain knowledge and training regarding Spiritual Roots, Hebraic Thought, Knowing God, and developing skills for Spiritual Leadership. Our Covenant U School of Ministry classes will get underway Monday, September 11th at 7pm. If you have questions please contact our office at 863-802-5171.

This is going to be a great year! I believe Holy Spirit is going to continue to bring revelation, truth and a fresh level of divine love that will change hearts, bringing a desire to know Him more.

Things Are Fixin' To Change!

This past Pentecost Sunday, June 4th, during our Covenant Center worship, we experienced a beautiful manifestation of Holy Spirit as He spoke in His love and power. Our entire Sunday celebration was filled with His expression as He came and rearranged the flow of our meeting. It was a stunning experience and display of the Book of Acts and Pentecost as God touched each person intimately, with spiritual songs, dance, the release of prophesy, tongues, interpretation and revelation. Being in God's presence brought refreshing, hope, renewed vision and strength to all. The following word was shared during worship. May this word bring life and encourage you with renewed hope. 

We come to celebrate Him and He always meets us in such startling and extraordinary ways. But I heard the Spirit of the Lord declare as I stepped into this room today: "Things are fixin' to change!" I said, "What Lord?" And He again said: "Things are fixin' to change!" And then He said the sweetest thing. He said, I'm so proud of this family that I have birthed and brought together. I'm so delighted! Look around. They have stood with Me in darkness; they have stood with Me in loss and pain. They have stood with Me and trusted Me through it all. What good Father would not give good gifts to His children? And how sweet it is to watch a child, a babe, when he takes his first steps and begins to walk. What a thrill it is - the first step, even when he falls. The joy of watching him; stand on their feet and begin to walk and run. What joy that is to Me.

And I say to you: How can one understand the mountain if there is no valley? How can one understand the glory of light until they have stood in darkness? How can one understand My miracle working power when they have not experienced pain or loss? How can they understand My gift of prosperity and life if they have not walked through the valley of the shadow of death? These things are not meant to harm you. These things are meant to teach you and train  you. These things are meant for you to become the light of the world. For in the coming days, as the earth grows darker, you will be My temples and houses of light and prosperity and healing and joy. Fear not! Fear not! I come to protect you, for you walk in My covenant of peace. I bring to you health and life, prosperity and healing, and you have joy when you recognize My hand is upon you. Oh, but I hear you say: God, it's taken so long! Why has it taken so long? Do you think there was not celebration at the pool that day, the years, the 38 years the paralytic sat by that pool waiting for My touch? Time is of no essence to Me. I know it feels that way to you, but has it not been written that those that wait upon Me shall be renewed, shall be healed, shall be restored, shall be given life abundantly? So understand, even though there was a ten-year lawsuit, even though it has taken twenty years to put in place the proper applications and positioning in this house - things are fixin' to change! And I ask you one thing as the blessings come; yes, as the blessings come - please My beloved, always remember where I've brought you from and what I have done for you. Remember... Remember...And let your testimonies fill the airwaves of the earth with My glory and My faithfulness.

Now receive! Receive! Receive Me! Receive Me! Receive of Me! I love you. I love you My children. As a Father I've watched you stumble. I've watched you fall. Oh, but the joy I've had in watching you get up again, and try again. And I have been growing and strengthening a back bone of steel in you to stand. For in the coming days you will stand, and at your hands My glory will be released. And people will come to you for they will know that you have heard from heaven and can bring guidance into their lives. So nothing you have experienced has been in vain and everything will be redeemed. Receive of Me. Celebrate with Me. This is a joyful day because it's time for things to change. It's time for things to change. Things are fixin' to change!

In HIs love,